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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
We all stand
alone, yet
we all are one;
drops of self
from the ocean
that is OM
I choose
to perceive;
a world where
my truth
touches, but
does not encompass
I choose
to be;
a mirror
that sees itself
reflected in faces;
pearls of light
always heading home
Choices made
for self, in truth
reflect from
the hearts of all;
ripples of action
vectors of potential
a song; the ocean calls.
I am having a bit of a problem with the word obligation... as it connotates a MUST scenaro; however to oblige, connotates honoring a a request. I think that the old addage, "Do unto others as you'd like done unto you" seems to apply here. I think that it is important to promote the well being of mankind to the best of our abilities: donate what & when you can, console someone who is hurting, befriend an elderly or lonely person, & so on, BUT hopefully we help because it is our nature to WANT to. AND we don't allow others to manipulate or bring us down in the helping relationship.
If everyone believed the same way that I do, I think- like to think that the world would be a more positive, nuturing, & healthy place.
I think that in the vaccum that this world exists, it is every man for himself. We are only obligated if we make a conscious choice to believe and have faith in something larger than the sum total of us all, and it is through humility that we become identified
to the brotherhood of man, and can be fullfilled in the desire and practice of helping others.Usually the smallest clues to what people need is in their spiritual hunger and thirst. Christ taught this, as do others. Not to make this any more of a sermon, but the world would definately be better for this common outlook, but alas the focus is skewed to hyprocrisy and the overwhelming power of materialism.
In the spirit... came back to add this- kind of a theme song on helping others...
Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
That you don't let show
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
If there is a load you have to bear
That you can't carry
I'm right up the road
I'll share your load
If you just call me
So just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have a problem that you'd understand
We all need somebody to lean on
I would maybe refer to it as a joyful obligation so that it does not come across as a burden because it should not be seen like that.
Yes, we should help one another. The good that we do for someone else comes back to us even stronger.
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