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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
I think that I would try to position myself to show some small act of kindness, and a knowing smile(not an assuming smile), and allow her her space.
I saw a man and a woman last night at a restaurant and I asked Yibbyl what he thought we should do. She had some fairly serious swelling and bruising on the right side of her face and it could have been caused by anything from a car accident to domestic violence. She wasn't smiling but she also did not look fearful.
I did not want to make her situation worse if this was an abuser with her and I did not want to embarass her if it was from an accident. I was totally confused as to how or even if I should say or do anything at all.
I have a good friend who volunteers many hours at the local women's refuge so I am going to ask her on Monday morning if she has some ideas on what strangers should do to help and support someone.
Perhaps I can get some business cards for the shelter and have a little note written on the back that says, "I am sorry for intruding if your injuries are from an accident but if these are from someone hurting you then I want you to have this card because these people understand and will HELP you."
I would ask her if she were all right - I would tell her I noticed the bruises, and would ask if she needed any help.
If she said 'no' I would accept that, and wish her well.
If she said 'yes', she would be getting some help.
If i saw a women i didn't in pubic and she had bruises on her face I would mind my own bussnies, if she needed help she would ask for it.
I would most likely introduce myself by first name, probably reach out my hand for a hand shake & tell her that if she needs anything, to let me know & give her a contact number- that is unless she wanted to discuss it right then & there, in which case, I would do my best to make time & suggest that she call the contact number.
I have encountered this situation more than once & the aforementioned is how the scenario has played out.
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