Question of the Day: Day 136
Why aren't more people doing it?
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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
Recycling is the way of the future. Plastics especially. They can be made into so many other things that are useful, as opposed to sitting in landfills polluting our atmosphere.
The reason that people dont do it more often is because they are lazy, or don't have the place to put the items to be recycled. Also the guidelines are not specific. I hate to say this, but marketing would help the recycling business. In Texas where i lived they started a recycling program, but then they stopped. I don't believe that there was enough participation to warrant the cost of the trucks retrieving the recyclable items.
There has to be a more proactive movement maybe an incentive program for schools, or communities to get recycling to be a part of their daily lives. If it becomes habit to make sure all your recyclables reach the right place, it would help.
Recycling makes a huge difference in so many ways! Recycled metals and plastics mean that we use far less oil and release far less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
It takes almost 10 times as much energy to make a can from aluminum which has been mined from the ground as to make a can from aluminum which has already been mined.
I think the reason that recycling hasn't become universal is sloth. People are likely to stay in the same patterns of behavior until they are "nudged" into moving into a different patterns of behavior. Truly, recycling doesn't take much more energy than not recycling anymore. The infrastructure is going in so that people can separate their garbage and have it collected near their homes. They just need to be nudged. Once people start to get used to the idea of recyling and do it all the time, the more they will feel uncomfortable when they don't recycle.
Yes, recycling makes a difference... in reduction of waste. How much land are we willing sacrifice to burrying trash- air quality to incinerators?
CT. is mandatory recycling state... people can be fined for, & sanitation workers can refuse to pick up "mixed trash".. however, "hear-say" has it that it is not well monitored & seldom ly enforced.
Yes, recycling makes a difference.
I am not fanatical about it but I do try to use my recycle bin quite a bit.
I think that most people don't think that their "little bit" will really add up to anything plus it takes a few extra minutes and people are so busy that they think they have no time to spare.
Then there are those who just do not care because it isn't their problem.
People like that really do exist.
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