Question of the Day: Day 122
Does that help or hurt your relationships?
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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
Oh man! Story of my life, here...
I am mostly happy. It doesn't mean I don't have days of uncertainty and darkness and pissiness...but most of the time, I choose joy and hope. To me, it's the tool that's helped me cope with life's challenges and maintain wellbeing and positive changes in my life.
Unfortunately, I seem to attract men who LOVE that about me at first, then change their mind and run from it. So far, it has hurt relationships...but one day, when I finally am with someone who cherishes will help.
big question. MOstly I seem miserable. I complain, make snarky coments, joke at my (percieved or real) inadequacies etc etc. This is all just a coping method to keep myself hapy, which, for the most part, i sort of do. But I think the sum is probably negtive...although I feel happy, my outlook is negative. It does tend to hurt people. I can make unkind remarks without realising. It takes a special kind of person to put up with me.
About a year ago, my daughter taped a handwritten note to a cupboard in our kitchen - it says "Pain is inevitable, misery is optional." This is correllary to the statement "Pleasure is inevitable, joy is optional." I keep thinking I should type it up and replace the note, (it's getting rough around the edges, spattered, gnarly even), but I think again and decide to leave it there for now - it reminds me of the state of my life, not perfect but a good reminder to be mindful of what I do.
I am not always in a pleasant mood, I am not always cooperative and I can be selfish and grouchy.
When I was living away from my children, some blessed soul wrote, in sidewalk chalk, on the paving in front of my house - "Happiness is not the destination, it's the road.", in blues and yellows, and when I'm down and need to get back up I have that memory, and the learning that I found at that time to help me remember how important it is to choose the emotional climate where I wish to live.
I would say that I am basically a happy person... I think of it as a little bit of joy inside of myself which I protect; the pearl protected by the oyster shell.
Certainly, I have been unhappy many times with some of the circumstances in my life. But to not have even a grain/confetti/drop/tenth of an ounce- of joy would be death for me.
I am basically a positive and happy person and I think that it has helped relationships.
When I have been overly stressed from work or life and then I could feel that sinking depression and I know that my relationships suffered during that dark time and that I had to take steps to get back on track to my usual sunny self.
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