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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 122

Would you say that you are basically a happy or a sad (positive or negative) person?
Does that help or hurt your relationships?


Blogger Alexandra said...

Oh man! Story of my life, here...

I am mostly happy. It doesn't mean I don't have days of uncertainty and darkness and pissiness...but most of the time, I choose joy and hope. To me, it's the tool that's helped me cope with life's challenges and maintain wellbeing and positive changes in my life.

Unfortunately, I seem to attract men who LOVE that about me at first, then change their mind and run from it. So far, it has hurt relationships...but one day, when I finally am with someone who cherishes it...it will help.

5/02/2006 8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

big question. MOstly I seem miserable. I complain, make snarky coments, joke at my (percieved or real) inadequacies etc etc. This is all just a coping method to keep myself hapy, which, for the most part, i sort of do. But I think the sum is probably negtive...although I feel happy, my outlook is negative. It does tend to hurt people. I can make unkind remarks without realising. It takes a special kind of person to put up with me.

5/02/2006 1:19 PM  
Blogger b said...

About a year ago, my daughter taped a handwritten note to a cupboard in our kitchen - it says "Pain is inevitable, misery is optional." This is correllary to the statement "Pleasure is inevitable, joy is optional." I keep thinking I should type it up and replace the note, (it's getting rough around the edges, spattered, gnarly even), but I think again and decide to leave it there for now - it reminds me of the state of my life, not perfect but a good reminder to be mindful of what I do.

I am not always in a pleasant mood, I am not always cooperative and I can be selfish and grouchy.

When I was living away from my children, some blessed soul wrote, in sidewalk chalk, on the paving in front of my house - "Happiness is not the destination, it's the road.", in blues and yellows, and when I'm down and need to get back up I have that memory, and the learning that I found at that time to help me remember how important it is to choose the emotional climate where I wish to live.

5/02/2006 1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say that I am basically a happy person... I think of it as a little bit of joy inside of myself which I protect; the pearl protected by the oyster shell.

Certainly, I have been unhappy many times with some of the circumstances in my life. But to not have even a grain/confetti/drop/tenth of an ounce- of joy would be death for me.

5/03/2006 9:29 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I am basically a positive and happy person and I think that it has helped relationships.

When I have been overly stressed from work or life and then I could feel that sinking depression and I know that my relationships suffered during that dark time and that I had to take steps to get back on track to my usual sunny self.

5/08/2006 11:46 AM  

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