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Friday, April 28, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 118

Do you think that adults are, generally speaking, nicer or meaner than kids are?


Blogger b said...

The word NICE (adjective) is derived from Middle English, 'foolish', from Old French, from Latin nescius, 'ignorant', from nescre, 'to be ignorant'. See nescience.

Having defined the term, I would say that children are far less nice than adults - children need to learn how to be ignorant, and we adults (some of us, anyway) are practical masters of the art.

Children are more honest, it may occur to someone to think this is mean, but I believe that there is less malice intended than our egos like to think.

Note: I may come back and amend this - I have to run out the door.

4/28/2006 9:01 AM  
Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

Children are the meanest beasts in this world, not to mention the loudest.

Not all, but some. Some adults are just as bad, but most of them have learned to keep their mouths shut.

4/28/2006 9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that we are all equal mean kids and mean adults

4/28/2006 1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say it pretty much evens out if it wasn't for one factor:
Adults are more likely to restain each other. Not always...but a gorup of kids can really ostracise soemone, and victemise them a lot. Adults are more likely to have someone be nice to them in the end.

oh, and innocence just means they use thier imagination.

4/28/2006 3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tough one....

I think that when children are cruel to others, it is because they lack life experience- just are not familiar with constructive criticism and/or because they have not had anyone set a good example or offer guidance as to how to treat others.

When adults are cruel to others, I believe that it is more intentional & with "obscene" motivation.

4/29/2006 6:04 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I think that very young children tend to be blunt because they don't know any different. That's not the same thing as being mean.

Older kids (teenagers especially) can be horridly cruel and cause wounds that might last a lifetime. Whatever bitterness or insecurities they carry with them become the foundation for the poison that they inflict others with.

Mean kids tend to grow up into mean adults unless some intervention or maturity halts that progress. Mean adults sometimes have the experience to have learned filtering techniques so that every mean thought does not make it out of their mouths and into mean comments to people. But that experience can also have honed a sharper and uglier vocabulary.

I guess what I'm really saying in all of this is that mean people exist in all ages and that they must be incredibly lonely and sad individuals.

5/08/2006 11:36 AM  

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