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Friday, April 07, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 97

Do you think that the USA is more or less violent than other countries of the world?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

More violent, definitely. One of the only countries where personal weapons are common. I also think the violence in our Entertainment world influences our daily lives and is spilling over into the rest of the world.

4/07/2006 9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes i do in some ways our goverment dose not kill as much as other countries. But the people do kill alot more than in other countries. our country is good but i would say the people of the united states america do kill alot more than some of the outher countries, even though some countries kill people for going to there countries there are rrason such as in africa they kill if you do not accept there culture and i do think that is some what of a good reason to do that.

4/07/2006 9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think the usa has bout alot of
same kind of violent crap that any other state had i guess.

4/07/2006 10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Im afraid I do. From britain the US seems (whether this is true or not is another question) to be filled with crackheads just waiting to put themselves or some inocent bystander into CSI. Add in to that a perception of american tourists as agressive and demanding and it looks pretty damming. Then add a government that seems to be baying for yet another war and it looks like Americans are frothing at the mouth.

4/07/2006 11:27 AM  
Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

I agree with Wings. There is no way for anyone to tell how "bad" the US is compared to other contries when one hasn't visited other countries, and only gets their information from CNN.

Having been to other countries myself, I have seen first hand that the US is actually one of the more civilized countries in this world. Not only that but we give the most money in aide to the most countries who need it, like Africa. Don't believe the hype from the Media that tell you how bad we are.

4/07/2006 12:19 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I think that we, in the USA, are a fractured bunch of folks. Some sections of this society are far kinder than most humans on the planet and some, too, are far more violent than most other humans on the planet.

We have the capacity to both give life and to take it away. We can spoil our children with one hand and rob them of their innocence with the other one. We have people who protest every single cross tone of voice used on an animal and others who kill for sport or use animals for scientific testing.

We are the best and the worst.

We can do more good than most people can dream of if, that is, we don't destroy the world first.

4/11/2006 5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i do think that the usa is more violent than some other countries but at the same time you really don't know because most people do not know because they hear it second hand info. keep it real most people do not know what is really going on i other countries only what they hear that is what they belive.

4/18/2006 11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are way more violent then everybody because we are aloud to buy guns or even a tank.And the USA thinks they are invinsible.

4/19/2006 11:35 AM  

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