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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
yes because my ex boyfriends is a rapper and he uses those words to me all the time
I think it does change some people, But they have a choice of saying what they want. But mostly I dont think it changes people, It's like saying gun games make people kill people, it's the persons choice to do what they want in life. It does sometimes give a person the idea of something.
Yes, it does - I am very careful concerning what I allow into my head, especially when it comes to music.
Yes it does. I know people who listen to the sort of rap that does contain these sorts of feelings. They are aware enough of what is right and wrong to not treat women that way. They also know its not a good sentiment to express, and have a lot of joke music in that style. Most of the serious music is anti authoritarian instead of sexist...but I am always slightly concerned to see that sort of stuff. It sends a bad message out to the rest of the world if nothing else.
yes - adolescents are very suceptible to such influence.
I absolutely abhore this sort of spew being marketed as music.
I think that all genres of music influence how we think, how we feel, and how we act. Some are positive and some are negative but we have the power to choose exactly what we put into our minds (and hearts).
Peace in - peace out
Garbage in - garbage out
I have seen people bring the lyrics from songs into their dialogue and then act as if it was nothing when it was, in fact, filled with profanity and insults.
No I do not I do think that they have alot to do with the language people use to all types of gender. But to say that music that talkes about females causes males to say or do things is the problem is wrong because there are is music out there that do the same about males.
Ruben lil punk,
i dont think dat guys treat woman da way music influces them 2 but there is people who tret woman lik crap and they should frontd.
I think our culture has proven that to be the truth.
The real question is why do individuals support it by paying the musicians that promote it?
I think our culture has proven that to be the truth.
The real question is why do individuals support it by paying the musicians that promote it?
I think our culture has proven that to be the truth.
The real question is why do individuals support it by paying the musicians that promote it?
Yes it does. It also influences how men treat women later in life.
Actually I think it can influence both males and females.
Take for instance a young girl who is well into puberty and her body is developing or developed. She notices how older men and young men her own age are now looking at her a little differently. This can be powerful, heady stuff for a young woman to deal with. If she is looking to gain the attention of boys and men she may be influenced by music and videos to dress or act a certain way because she thinks this is cool and what the cool guys are looking for. Unfortunately, it is not just music and videos. It is our whole culture tv advertising and shows, Hollywood movies, magazines and print ads. It is all presenting the same image of women and what women should be or look like.
The guys on the other hand see the signals and then they in turn think; well this is what she likes and I can get away with saying this, or doing that. A cycle begins and who knows where it can end. It is just another form of peer pressure. We all want to be liked and noticed. So how am I going to get noticed?
It comes down to self image. If we don’t respect ourselves it’s hard to gain the respect of others. I have two daughters and I taught them that they are nobody’s beeatch,squeeze or whatever other terms they use today and they are nobody’s property. I not trying to put all the blame on the girls here. It’s just that I believe we teach people how to treat us. (I can’t believe I’m channeling Dr. Phil here)
I also have a son and I have tried to instill in him a code of ethics which includes a deep respect for women.
At the risk of getting too heavy here I want you to think about the old school of defense for rape. Defense lawyers would defend their rapist clients by telling jury’s that the girl dressed provocatively, and acted in a promiscuous fashion. She was taunting the guy ,in fact she was asking for it. Unbelievable, that we held this belief not too long ago. Today thanks to science we know that rape is a crime of violence not a crime of lust.
Sorry to go on so long about this but I guess the question hit a nerve
Girls respect yourselves and teach men how you expect to be treated.Accept nothing less
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