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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 92

What things have you done to help others in your community or the world?
Do you do these on a regular basis? Why or why not?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do some stuff to help people. I try to be generally helpful and civil...but my only regular thing is that I give blood. I've only just started doing this, but I plan to keep on doing it.

The reason I help is mostly that I know I am in a privilaged position, and I should give something back to the comunity that supports me. Also people have helped me; some volunteers, some paid pitiful amounts for what they do. I owe it to them and to everyone else around to help out where I can. And lastly...the look of thanks on someones face when you have dones something for them, and the personal satisfaction of knwoing you have made a difference, however small.

4/02/2006 12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have let my friends know about things they could do to help stop the them from blowing out I have also done commuty services. Tryed to help people who are poor.

4/03/2006 11:09 AM  
Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

In this universe, I believe that every miniscule action causes a ripple to flow outward, getting bigger all the time, like a pebble in a pond. Of course, that ripple always bounces back and comes back to us in some way. But in this context, if there's nothing else that you can do, always remember that a smile can move mountains.

4/03/2006 1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have worked in a men's shelter in the winter months. It is for a church in downtown Atlanta. It provides a warm place to sleep (cot, pillow and blanket) and has provisions for showers and and an opportunity to wash their cloths.
I also have volunteered through my work to do odd jobs and handyman repairs for the elderly and poor.
I know I should do this more regularly than I do. My children are grown and don't need me as much as they used to, so I have the time and no excuses. What I have learned from this is that there are all sorts of reasons that people end up on the streets. I think the path this country is on we will see more and more people on the streets.

I used to be pretty harsh when I was approached by a street person thinking that this person is just lazy and looking for a handout. Now that I have met and talked to many of these people and heard their individual stories it has opened my heart more. I'm more inclined to give someone lunch money than to tell them "get a damn job"
I feel bad for all the times I responded that way. We never know what twists of fate will change our lives. Now I try to see past the filthy cloths and the disshevled appearance and look into their eyes. There is a person in there and they are hurting. Yes we all know that some are scammers. If you take the time to look into their eyes you will become very good at telling the scammers from the ones that need real help.

4/05/2006 1:08 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I donate blood and platelets on a regular basis (when my iron level is high enough to) because it is important and I know that it can make a difference in helping people who are in medical crisis.

4/06/2006 1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes i have i clean up grafitti some times at school and i help home less people i give them food

4/06/2006 2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thngs I do is just being good so no one has to put up with me, and yes I do do that on a regular basis.

4/19/2006 11:19 AM  

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