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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 108

What are the benefits and drawbacks of the "death penalty" as a consequence to specific crimes?
Do you support or oppose it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I oppose the death penalty. Every one deserves a second chance, if it becomes really bad and they don't change then and only then will I support the death penalty.

4/18/2006 12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that they are wrong and that they should sit in jail and be punished for what they did

4/19/2006 1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my sister christina meri h. was killed in a really bad way at the time she was only 15. and for a long time i thought that the person who did that should die to ethier in then same kind of way or by the death penalty. but know i would say no that who ever did it should not die in any other way than natural causes because even though my sister was hurt reaaly bad and taken from me when i was 8 two deaths should not happan because of one. every person no matter who they are deserves to live as long as they were to be givin by the father who created them GOD no one elese should take there lives no matter what they did because no one should have to kill anyone unless they are going to hrut someone right then and there but not even then if the other person has a differnt options such as tazers or pepper spry or some thing of that sort. so once again i belive that only GOD should take someone else's life!!!

4/19/2006 1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tough one! I have seen Dead Man Walking & The Life of David Gale, two movies which provoke thought about the subject. I do believe that there are people who deserve the death penalty- when it is known beyond the shadow of a doubt, that they are guilty; Jeffery Dahmer & Charles Mansion come to mind. However, I know that their have been times when innocents have been put to death. I also believe that there are some who can be rehabilitated, however, how do "we" measure who can & who can not be rehabilitated? AND if we were to do that, the death would be considered on an individual case basis. Tough topic!

4/20/2006 5:07 AM  
Blogger b said...

There are no benefits to the death penalty - it's complicated, expensive, not a deterrent, and isn't really a punishment - the people who get to that point are so messed up and worn out that dying is preferrable.

Supporting the Killing of people because they killed people only makes us complicit to premeditated murder.

I admit that there have been times (John Gaycee, Jeffery Dahmer, others), where I felt the desire to be the one to pull that switch, fire that gun, or press the plunger on the syringe - but my anger passed, and I learned better.

4/21/2006 6:43 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Well, I guess that a benefit could be that the person who comitted the crime(s) will not be able to get back out into society and ever do it again if they are executed.

A drawback (and a BIG one, if you ask me) is that you can never undo it once it is done if you find out that they were, in fact, innocent of that crime.

The death penalty is not a crime deterrent in that it does not make criminals stop and not commit crimes just to avoid it. Most murders are crimes f passion (one time events) and most serial killers are mentally warped. What ends up happening is that taxpayers invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in the maintenance and care of these individuals in maximum security prisons for years and years.

I, personally, wish we could just drop the most heinous criminals off on an island and leaving them there for the rest of their lives. They live or die by their own wits and ability to get along with other killers and they can NEVER ever get off the island.

4/23/2006 9:51 AM  

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