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Monday, April 10, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 100

Are there assumptions that other people make about you that you know aren't accurate?
Why do you suppose they think that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im quiet when I meet people. Like wings people think Im snooty, or aloof, or the whole host of nasty things...but I just have problems with coming up with soemthing to talk about. I find getting to know people without a context, or someone to push conversations is really hard work, until I know them well enough that conversation isn't what you mostly need. So people think Im unfriendly or shy, but Im not.

Also, I came to my current school having been bullied at my last school. So I still caried the stigma of 'victem'. There was something that just seemed to signal that to everyone, and it is still there. In a new social group this doesn't come through, so its just a perception people have of me as the one that no one talks to. I try to break out of that mould a bit at school, but going from the quiet one nobody talks with to something different is hard, and so I still have part of that person hit me when I am at school. Everywhere else, I am Callum, at school I end up being squashed into a bit of a role.

4/10/2006 10:13 AM  
Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

I am a quiet person like Wings above, but I don't know anyone who thinks of me as any of that. The way I see it, the less a person speaks (in moderation), the more they appear intelligent and cool. But that has just been my experience, because the moment I open my mouth, I sound like a complete baffoon.

4/10/2006 1:28 PM  
Blogger b said...

Plenty. Lots of people have thought I was gay, athiest, retarded, irresponsible, evil, crazy, hateful, racist, misogynist, and many other things...

I think people misjudge me and others because they rely on contextual perceptions - small pieces of information that they grab onto, process through their fears and self-doubts, and extrapolate into a pattern that fits those fears and doubts.

It really has nothing to do with me, except in a purely circumstantial sense.

I don't have any problems with being mis-tagged - those judgements have absolutely no bearing on what I do.

4/10/2006 6:51 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Many people think that I must have a motherlode of patience to work with kids all day and then have ADHD twin boys at home, too.

They'd be wrong. I wish that I had more patience. I really do. I think that some of my internal stress (high blood pressure) comes from how tense I can be - even when it may not show so much to other people.

I'm not sure why people think that about me. I use humor fairly frequently to deflect some of my stress and tension so maybe that masks it to others.

4/11/2006 5:13 PM  
Blogger Yibbyl said...

Oh, definately. I think people, especially in the U.S., are so used to having quick, little catch-phrases assigned to much more complex ideas that it carries over into how we and others label each other. So, I have been called racist, gay, aloof, egotistical, and I'm sure many other things. Whatever. It's really not important to me.

4/16/2006 5:28 PM  

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