Question of the Day: Day 100
Why do you suppose they think that?
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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
Im quiet when I meet people. Like wings people think Im snooty, or aloof, or the whole host of nasty things...but I just have problems with coming up with soemthing to talk about. I find getting to know people without a context, or someone to push conversations is really hard work, until I know them well enough that conversation isn't what you mostly need. So people think Im unfriendly or shy, but Im not.
Also, I came to my current school having been bullied at my last school. So I still caried the stigma of 'victem'. There was something that just seemed to signal that to everyone, and it is still there. In a new social group this doesn't come through, so its just a perception people have of me as the one that no one talks to. I try to break out of that mould a bit at school, but going from the quiet one nobody talks with to something different is hard, and so I still have part of that person hit me when I am at school. Everywhere else, I am Callum, at school I end up being squashed into a bit of a role.
I am a quiet person like Wings above, but I don't know anyone who thinks of me as any of that. The way I see it, the less a person speaks (in moderation), the more they appear intelligent and cool. But that has just been my experience, because the moment I open my mouth, I sound like a complete baffoon.
Plenty. Lots of people have thought I was gay, athiest, retarded, irresponsible, evil, crazy, hateful, racist, misogynist, and many other things...
I think people misjudge me and others because they rely on contextual perceptions - small pieces of information that they grab onto, process through their fears and self-doubts, and extrapolate into a pattern that fits those fears and doubts.
It really has nothing to do with me, except in a purely circumstantial sense.
I don't have any problems with being mis-tagged - those judgements have absolutely no bearing on what I do.
Many people think that I must have a motherlode of patience to work with kids all day and then have ADHD twin boys at home, too.
They'd be wrong. I wish that I had more patience. I really do. I think that some of my internal stress (high blood pressure) comes from how tense I can be - even when it may not show so much to other people.
I'm not sure why people think that about me. I use humor fairly frequently to deflect some of my stress and tension so maybe that masks it to others.
Oh, definately. I think people, especially in the U.S., are so used to having quick, little catch-phrases assigned to much more complex ideas that it carries over into how we and others label each other. So, I have been called racist, gay, aloof, egotistical, and I'm sure many other things. Whatever. It's really not important to me.
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