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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 21

If actions speak louder than words what do your actions say about you?


Blogger Michelle said...

I'll answer this one later!

Which so keenly illustrates that one of my actions says loudly and clearly that I am an incredible procrasinator!!

1/21/2006 10:09 AM  
Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

Right now, my acions are guided by survival mostly. I have put myself in a position of great reward for both my child and myself. In the meantime i have had to count on friends and family to help me out. I am trying to be gracious and thankful for all they have done for me. i hope that i am pulling that off.

But since I am a harsh critic of myself, that is not what i see. It has taken me some time to recover from the last two months of nomadic living. And finally feel a bit more settled. That should give me some room to make my amends/thanks more concrete. Small tokens to remind my blood family, and my extended family know how much they have helped me in my journey. And what they mean to me.

actions... i have become a mother/father to a wonderful little boy. I hope that i am showing him in action how much i love him by bringing him to such a beautiful positive place. sigh.


1/21/2006 10:53 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Okay, I'm back to answer in earnest this time.

I'm definitely a procrastinator as we already know.

I hug 10-25 people a day so I think that says that I am an openly affectionate and loving person.

I've been with my company for 15 years so I think that speaks of my loyalty (and love for what I do).

The setup and operation of this blog as well as the intense focus on values in our classroom says volumes about my belief that we need to change values in order to change behaviors.

My frequent smile and talking with total strangers in stores shows that I am friendly and outgoing.

My messy desk and closet are reminders that I hate cleaning (I guess that lack of action says as much as action itself sometimes) and I think my mom would tell ya that I've always been that way!

Well, that's enough (good and bad) of my actions. What about the rest of you?

1/21/2006 8:00 PM  
Blogger b said...

My actions say that, although I am kind of lazy, I am willing to stand for and work for a better world for everyone in it.

My actions say that I am not happy enough with myself, becasue I am addicted (to cigarettes and coffee.)

My actions say that I need more contact with intelligent, adults who are interested in living well, because I spend my time on RP where I have found a great lot of them!

My actions also say to my children, and eveyone else, that my family comes first - no matter what other factors there are - they are priority 1.

1/21/2006 8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My actions say I can be shy around strangers. This isn't really true. Im comfortable with strangers as far as conversation goes - I just never know how to start a conversation with them... As far as physical contact goes...Im getting better. I used to be incredibaly reserved, but I am coming out of a shell, so will let peeps hug me. and, to an extent hug back.

I hope my actions show me to be kind and tolerant...but Im not so sure. I have a tendancey to hit back more than I should; to resort to physical violence too quickly.

I do think my actions should show that I treat everyone equally. Maybe not as they would hope, but equally.

1/22/2006 5:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love lists...evidenced by my participation in this one! Anyway...

My actions show that I am also a procrastinator. This means that I am willing to push something unpleasant back until the last moment in order to do something else I enjoy. Deadly sin, right?

That I have very little patience for people who lie, cheat, bully, steal, or manipulate others. This means I have boundaries I expect those close to me not to violate.

I am hardworking and sometimes it negatively affects those I care for. This means I'm actually trying to show I care, but in a way I choose, not necessarily in the way they would prefer. My way or the hi-way? Yipes!

I don't show those I care for that I really do care for them enough. Suspicious of the sincerity of those who pour it on, so try to make my rare moments be really significant. I know I'm shooting myself in the foot with this strategy. Hope I learn to change this quick!

1/22/2006 5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i will say that i could careless about my self but i do care about other people more then my self.

1/23/2006 12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I am doing what I am supposted to I give off a good impression to people. My teachers and my piers usually enjoy to be around me and I do well. When I am pissed off I'm not fun to be around and know one likes to do anything for me.

1/24/2006 2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My actions would indicate that I am scared out of my wits and afraid to fail.

1/29/2006 9:33 AM  

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