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Friday, January 13, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 13

How can you make your life better? Your home better? The world better?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love. Hippie-ish and corny as it sounds, love is the best way to improve the lives of everyone around you. Short of that smile a little, laugh a little and help out where you can. If the people around you are happy, they'll make you happy. Its a positive feedback thing.

Of course, for a 'better' life as measured by money/car/whatver...education. If you know more you are worth more. Education, and educating are how to make the world better.

1/13/2006 9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a good attitude and self and relationship love are key for a better world. Being understanding to eachother and of course, what callum said: a smile

1/13/2006 9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For me, I can make my life better by being a better person, inside and outside. I daresay I can make my home better by cleaning my room. I agree with Callum above this by saying love should make the world better.

1/13/2006 10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THe way i can make the wrold better if i make myself better and doing better things by helping people out.

1/13/2006 10:21 AM  
Blogger b said...

I cn make my life and where I live better by being mindful - of every word I speak, of my choices to act (or not to act.)

Mindfulness is about considering whether or not a choice will make life better or worse, more simple or more complicated - mindulness is not just about actions, but it's also about thoughts.

To be mindful is to be calm and quiet inside, no matter what's going on around you. So, if we are mindful during even the most disturbing crisis, we can see better ways to help.

1/13/2006 12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way I could make things better in my life, my home and the world is keep my anger under control. Also help people in need of help, learn how to respect more people mroe than myself. Try to help people who are sad and try to make them smile. That is my plan also to stand up for people who can not stand up for themsleves.

1/13/2006 1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/13/2006 3:29 PM  
Blogger Alexandra said...

Life - By being only who I want to be--my authentic self, then staying true to it.

Home - Keep it neat, clean, cozy and welcoming.

World - Act always with a sense of awareness and compassion in whatever I say and do.

1/13/2006 6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to be patient. It'll work for all three questions!

Seriously, I think if I improve myself in some way, it will improve my home, which in turn will help make the world a better place. It's like a domino effect. If I am more patient with myself and others, the stress level in the house will decrease. Further, learning from my example, my family could be more patient with those that they come in contact with and it will make the world a better, more tolerant place.

You're welcome! (wink)

1/15/2006 10:51 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

My life would be better if I took better care of my health. I need to eat healthier and exercise a whole lot more!

If I really tackled that first issue and made it a family thing by planning family meals and talking walks together then I think that my home would be better by the simple fact that we would be doing more family oriented things together instead of running in different directions as we frequently do.

By making a conscious effort to be healthy and live a better lifestyle I think that it would begin to make the world a better place by spreading globally. Perhaps, if we Americans (from the north,that is) were less wasteful with our food, we could provide more food (NOT for profit!) to other places in the world that so desperately need this help.

1/15/2006 11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To not cause a lot of promblems. To do what I need to do. To not litter.

1/17/2006 8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's always god to be happy and be in a happy invorment. When your happy you intend to make everyone around you happy. Like when your depressed have you ever noticed that you make everyone aroung you depressed. I think that in order to make my life better I have to be in a place that makes me happy.
I need to feel like I'm in a place that I belong. Thats right for me.

In order to make my home better I must make everyone around me feel safe by staying safe. I have to try and maintain my attitude to make my family proud and I must try to keep my word to my family when I give it.

It's hard to make the world a better place, but everyone in the world can make a difference if they want to. Also I was thinking that there are a lot of teenagers out that don't feel that they are in the right place in life. I was thinking that there are alot of peaple that have felt that there the only ones who have suffored in this world with the different things that they have gone through. I want to be able to write some teen giudence books to help them understand alot of the things that they might be going through in there lifes. I know that I use to read alot of books like that and they made me understand what was going on in my life.

1/23/2006 10:14 AM  

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