Question of the Day: Day 19
(Hunger Weapons? War? Energy? Pollution? Population?)
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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
Ultimately, The biggest problem that faces humanity is the insane idea that one human or a group of humans is somehow better in one way or another than is greed and ego elevated to bring about a class structure. The thought that "I am better than you" and the blood lust that follows that will prepetuate defending this somehow crazed Ideal.
We all come from the same stuff we are all at the core, the same.
When we forget this fundemental fact we lose touch with reality and we soak up a greed which propagates war and separation.
It is the lack of respect of the basic premise of life.
Understanding each other and learning to accept the differences. It's not only about equality, it is about understanding.
I think that lack of compassion is a huge issue in the world today.
If every single individual had compassion for his/her fellow humans then we would have no more need for war or weapons, we would send our excess food and medicines to nations that needed them so desperately without thought of profit, we would manage our waste more efficiently because we would actually care how it impacted other people.
My first thought (without reading other posts):
The lack of a sense of responsibility in the generations of today. I know that my peers have grown up in a unusual situation; I go to a good school, and have a privileged background. My peers seem to have more of a sense of responsibility for their actions than the rest of the world does. But that really isn't saying much.
My 2nd thought is to agree with jester - the problem is really greed, and all that follows from it. Is this solvable? probably not, IMO. The best solution will probably lye in chanelling greed towards a good end.
Over all, I would have to say war is the biggest problem the world has. I would have to agree with Jester wene he said the world needs more structure. Although I think war is a big problem in this world, I still think it can be a good thing wene needed.
i think that is criminals and drugs because now day's you see alot of people being murder and even little kids know were to find drugs so that's my own opinion.
To me I think that drugs can have the biggest effect on people lifes. I have seen a small amount on what it can do to people. I know my mom had a methlab down in our basemant when I was younger. Also I had friends that were very messed up because of drugs. I know that it can cause alot of mental problems and even physical problems. I was really addicted to meth like my parents. It took over controlled my life. I was able to stop and I was so thankful that I did because I know that it was going to take over.
thanks for the easy one, GOSH!~
the worlds biggest problem is ignorance. I think too many people keep thier heads buried in the proverbial sand when it comes to the world outside their own comfort zone.
Battles are being fought over misunderstandings. More than once. If man could learn from his mistakes in a calm and mature fashion, we could have a more peaceful coexistance. Maybe more of a balance in power between men and women in the political areana would help assuage the rage.
who really knows. But instead of concentrating on problems like the Congo, and other areas of the world that are soooo impoverished and in decline, we spend more money on defense. that being said, i can understand the logic of keeping world peace too.
oh well. Why can't we all just get along? learn the strengths of each society, and build upon our working to make this planet more liveable for everyone. GOSH!
IMO, the biggest problem the world has is the belief that there is not enough to go around.
There are plenty of resources for all the people on this planet - food, medicine, raw materials, knowledge, etc. - all of the problems the world faces could be solved if we would share with each other without fear of 'running out.'
The disproportionally lopsided allocation of resources the U.S. uses vs. the rest of the world.
Obviously, I have personnally benefitted from this, yet I think it's a huge problem. One day, all the countries, who starved so that we could flourish, are going to rise up and retalliate either economically or with physical force. The frustration they experience will come back to haunt us and for some strange reason we will act as if we were blindsided by the act.
I know it's easy to piss and moan without offering up a suggestion to solve this and, honestly, I just did. I don't know that our citizens would ban together and demand that investments be made in those countries that lack the infrastructure we have here. It's safer and easier to invest in countries such as ours where all the initial investments have already occurred. Guess, all I can hope for is that the backlash occurs after I've left this world.
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