Question of the Day: Day 14
Can you give examples?
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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
"Pretty is skin deep, beauty is essence." -me
Beauty is character and carriage - it shows most true in the way we connect ourselves with life - regardless of circumstances. Beauty is love at ease, and grace under pressure.
The final lines of John Keats' "Ode On A Grecian Urn" speak to me of what beauti is:
Thou, silent form! dost tease us out of thought
As doth eternity:
Cold Pastoral!
When old age shall this generation waste,
Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe
Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say'st,
'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.'
Beauty is a very subjective thing, and applies in different ways to different things.
Beauty can be physical, spiritual or technological. It can be art, nature or thought. One should never presume that his own standards of beauty make any sense at all to someone else.
beautiful people don't care about your opinion of their appearance.
beautiful people do care about those who are less fortunate.
beautiful people know that the magazine covers are a lie .
Beaty is hard. I try to find beauty in the ordinary things around me. The golden ball that dropped off a bit of a cracker at christmas, rolled away and I found today...Its beautiful. A simple plastic golen ball, rather chiped and badly moulded. Its beautiful. To get here it had to be produced by people making crackers. Its a product of market forces, chemistry, cultural ideals, evolution, and a good measure of chance. What about the ruler on the desk in front of me? Beatiful too. Beauty, to me, is something i can find facination in. Given that i can hold a debate with a lampost, it doesn't take much.
And I was going to quote the Beauty is truth one, but B got there first. Instead ill fall back on Douglas Adams, who had a company use the argument that since thier version of the truth was beautiful (as evidenced by the poet prepared to swear so), they weren't wrong, and didn't owe libel to the people who got eaten by the Bugblatter beast of Trall (spelling probably hopelessly inacruate).
I also find beauty in maths. There are some proofs, equations, functions that drop through from simplicity to complex hell, to elegant beautiful simplicity again. Its worth doing maths just for them.
Beauty is where you find it, and you are lucky if you can find it everywhere.
Beauty, as it applies to people, is about actions and thoughts. People can appear attractive, hot, etc., but not be beautiful. An example of a beautiful person is someone who simply holds the hand of another while they are dieing.
Beauty elsewhere in nature is closer to appearance, but at the same time how it is involved in the whole ecosystem. So, to me, a mountain is beautiful and majestic because it is pleasing to the eye, but also a source of water for a whole area's plants and animals. A source of cool air and shade.
Beauty truly is a subjective thing (unless you follow Plato's theory of ideal beauty) and we all have our own idea of what it means to us.
There are a gazillion quotes on this very subject and I have to say that two of them strike close to home for me.
Beauty is as beauty does...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
The first one speaks to how a person behaves. Someone who may look gorgeous on the outside but be a mean person is NOT beautiful in my opinion. So many people put high value on being skinny, being pretty or handsome, or stuff like that. I know a young man who frequently looks a little shaggy, his clothes are not always clean, and he can be hard to understand but he is such a beautiful human being to me.
And, much like Callum says, I think that beauty is where you find it. Some people can look at a lovely rose garden and pick out all of the imperfections if that's what they are looking for and another person can be at the city dump and marvel at the beauty of a dandelion growing in a garbage heap. I prefer to be a person who looks for the beauty in the world, regardless how trivial it may be to someone else.
Sometimes I have to remind myself what's important in my life and these questions sure are helping me to do that.
Beauty is skin deep.
Beauty is getting up in the morning to face the world.
Beauty is seeing a smile on someones face, and knowing that your still alive the next day.
Beauty is having people that you care about around you.
Beauty is gods creations.
Beauty is peaceful, It's happiness,
It's Life.
Beauty is what you make of it.
Beauty is kind and it will never hurt you.
Beauty is graceful.
Beauty is respectful to you and everyone around you.
But most of all beauty is love.
I guess thats how I would defind beauty. There is alot that beauty is made out of. It's a emotion that you feel and when you are around things that ar'ent represented by beauty it's already telling you to stay away so you don't tye in to it's monstrousity ways.
I always thought that beauty was what was on the out side of someone. There was someone in my life who showed me different and tought me that it's not what you look like out side, it's what on the inside and it's how you feel in your own state of mind I guess.
I would say that the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me was when I was learning the toughest lessons of my mistakes. I think it's when I am around people that are always there to try and help me because I know that that person has a beautiful soul and that they will never lead me astray.
Also it's my family because I know they love me.
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