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Monday, January 16, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 16

Are you naturally inclined to be an optimist or a pessimist and how does this effect your responses to people and events in your life?


Blogger Alexandra said...

I am naturally an optimist. It goes hand in hand with some new spiritual tools I'm learning--in which I manifest the things in my life that I want to happen, and truly believe in them.

I tend to always focus on the best in people (sometimes to my own detriment).

I have remained an optimist even through some of life's hardest lessons and curve balls--some that would make most people turn bitter--so I will always be truly grateful that this optimism is inherent within. It's helped me make it through time and time again.

1/16/2006 9:19 AM  
Blogger b said...

In my life, I've had swings between the two - does that make me bipolar? :)

Anyway, I try to find balance- I know that not only what I think about, but how my emotions connect into those thoughts, will direct my life as my entire universe changes as a result of my thoughts, emotions, and actions. Of this, I have no doubt.

I hink of myself as a pragmatist. I look at situations and conditions for what they are, not what I hope they are (optimism), or what I'm afraid they are (pessimism.)

I feel that there is good, hope, and growth in everything and everyone, and sometimes I need to work really hard to find that good - but I know it's there.

1/16/2006 9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im with Brandon. Although I may seem pessimistic at first - I always assume the worst is going to happen to me (often Im right ;) I am essentially happy, except when Im sad. Hmm, that isn't making much sense.

Although I may look at the world with the expectation that it is going to go wrong - murphys law - I also tend to make the best of what has happened. Also i am an optomist in regards to people - I tend to believe that thier good stuff outweighs thier faults. This doesn't tend to get me in trouble - I'm not blind to people faults, Im just more able to accept someone as flawed.

I think that to be happy you have to start off looking at the world pessibistcally. If you can take a kind of grim humour from the way it *could* have gone, then you can get through the worst of it without too much damage. It works for me anyway.

1/16/2006 1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say that I am usually realistic in my outlook and I can see both the positive and the negative in situations. I pay just enough attention to the negative to be prepared and take action if needed. The rest of my energy is spent towards the positive.

I look for the special and unique talents and abilities that each one of my students has. Someone else somewhere along the line may have given up on them but I belive that was the adult's failure and not the kid's. Every kid, no matter how "bad" the behavior might be, is looking for a way to be recognized and appreciated as they should be.

I think that a person with a strong pessimistic tendency would burn out quickly when working with kids! They challenge us to be at our best so that they can learn how to be at their best. We teach the most in how we act and not what we tell them from a book.

In fact, most children are naturally optimistic and happy when given the chance to be, and we adults could take a few lessons from them!

1/16/2006 7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Usually, I would say I am an optomist. However, recently, I've noticed a pattern of pessimism as I view people begging for money. In fact, I made an especially rude comment just last weekend.

I think this all started when I lived in Chico, where I saw numerous HS kids begging for cash and they obviously had had plenty to cover all of the ink on their bodies. Frequently, I ran into kids who were not homeless, just trying to score some fun money. They would even admit it. So, I guess it jaded me.

Anyway, otherwise I am a "glass-half-full" type of guy.

1/16/2006 8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am a little bit of both i don't think it has effect my life or nothing or maybe i don't know the answer

1/18/2006 2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that I am more optimist than pessimist. I think the reason for that is because I was around alot of people like that during my life time. I try to think before I say things.

1/20/2006 1:49 PM  

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