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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 229

Have you ever felt like just running away from your own life and starting over someplace new? What did you do?


Blogger Mississippi Songbird said...

YES!.. Of, Course, I didn't. I wouldn't. I couldn't!
I have two children that depend on me.so that would be out of the question. I pray alot.. and somehow, get thru that feeling.

8/18/2006 4:09 PM  
Blogger Justine's HouseWreck said...

Not daily, but often weekly.

Weakly, I try to just get past the thoughts of disappearing and popping up somewhere else.

Thankfully, life is full of new opportunities and chances for a change of pace. I have a family to think of, responsibilities to keep on top of and a housewreck to oversee, so I just keep plugging away while awaiting that winning lottery ticket.

8/18/2006 9:03 PM  
Blogger b said...

Oh, Hell Yes!

I play my guitar for awhile.

8/19/2006 12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely... I've voiced what I feel, or journaled it in order to get it out side of myself. Occassionally, I've run away... escaped for a few hours or a night of no responsiblities.. just "play".

8/20/2006 4:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i always feel that way but then i think about the good things in my life and i wouldnt chage a thing because everyting happens for a reason.

8/30/2006 10:35 AM  

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