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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
Definitely has an impact on your health.
I think that physiologically speaking, it certainly does. But of course, happiness is one of those words where the definition
changes from person to person and moment to moment. Making sound judgements and careful choices when possible along the way...this is key to percieved happiness.
Context/Perspective/ Perception...
Again, if we can bring the relationship of this order to the present(future) then the past will be all the more relevant.
Personally, I'm not an outwardly stressfull person, but I am aware that the toll is often taken on the inside physically for pent up emotional angst, so I try to be conscious of what my body is telling me.
I most definitely believe that an individual's personal happiness (thought life) has an impact on their health. Long term stress, negative thinking, & hopelessness are toxic to ones health; thoughts are powerful, the effect our emotional & physical health.
100% - yes.
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
-Proverbs 23:7 (KJV)
"What we think about all day long manifests."
-Dr. Abraham Maslowe
If we think sick & twisted, if we cram sick & twisted into our heads, if we ponder upon sickness and misery - can we expect anything different?
If we orient ourselves towards health and solutions... The possibilities are endless!
Consider cycling champion Lance Armstrong's book "It's Not About the Bike!" - or Wayne Dyer's "Your Sacred Self" - what we think about doesn't just matter, what we think about actually manifests reality.
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