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Monday, August 07, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 219

Punctuality: how important is it? Does your punctuality (or lack thereof) say something about who you are as a person?


Blogger b said...

To me, punctuality is a mixed bag - and yes, I believe it does say something about the kind of person you are.

I am punctual when it involves committed appointments involving others; doctor, legal, school, movies, and, for the most part, job situations where I'm dealing with a client, or a group of colleagues who have other things to do than wait for me to show up. I won't make other people wait for me when I've said I will be somewhere at a certain time - to me, it doesn't seem like a very mindful thing to do.

In more informal situations; parties, shopping, getting home when everyone is OK and knows what I'm doing, I'm much more loose.

8/07/2006 9:57 AM  
Blogger Mississippi Songbird said...

I'm usually punctual. Just depends if I get behind that tractor or not.

8/07/2006 10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I am always late. And it drives me nuts. I want to be ontime, but I always seem to have a lot of things stall me at the last minute.

There are those who will tell you that chronic tardiness is a method for exerting power over situations. I think it just means I'm scatter-brained. ;)

8/07/2006 10:06 AM  
Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

Being on time for something is a choice, unless of course there is a natural disaster. And if you choose to be tardy to something, it says that you would rather be doing something else (that is my opinion).

I have to say that my (not always) tardiness comes from poor time management. Because most of the time i would rather be at home with my child than anywhere else. So i take those extra mins to watch him sleep. or take a leisurely shower. enjoy the stress free part of my day before heading out to face it.

and sometimes i oversleep! :lol:

8/07/2006 10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guilty of being late~ about 10 to 15 minutes almost always... the people I work with must luv me because they put up with me... but I put up with their stuff, too. I really think that it depends on what kind of job you are going to- if someone is waiting to be relieved from a position, or if the time can be made up at the end of the day/shift may make all the difference. I used to be very punctual. I'm not sure what happened, hmmm - maybe I'm not as enthusiastic & it's time to look for another line of work.- or maybe I was meant to live in Spain.

I often try to cram toooooo much (errands etc.) into to little time & don't count on being held up in line at the bank or at the gas station & end up being late. Maybe I'm a better doer than a planner.

8/07/2006 4:06 PM  

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