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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 203

Have you ever found yourself behaving in a way that is contrary to what you believe (your personal values /morals /code of ethics)? What did you do to bring the two back into alignment (accomodate the behavior, or accomodate your beliefs)?


Blogger b said...

Yes, recently, as a matter of fact.

What I do to start the process of re-balancing: this A L W A Y S works (and sometimes I have avoided it it becasue I didn't want to get back into balance (how enlightened is that?) ...

Take a slow deep breath. Repeat as needed.

7/22/2006 9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I have, a couple of times. I attempt to be mindful in my actions... but occassionally, I simply react without much fore~thought.

The times that I have found myself behaving in a way that is contrary to my personal beliefs, I have felt conflicted, pondered justification for my behavior, and thought at length about whether I wanted/needed to change my way of thinking, or change the behavior.

I've learned some huge lessons during those "trying" times. I've sometimes expanded upon my beliefs,
most times become more understanding of others, & ultimately decided to do what * I * can live with.

7/22/2006 3:44 PM  

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