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Friday, May 12, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 132

Do you think that people who live in the city have different values than people who live in the country?
Can you give examples to support your viewpoint?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, yes I apsolutly agree with this question. I think that people that live in the country are much more respectful and have much better values. From what I have seen people that live or grew up in the cite are much more disrespectful. For example, Redding is a great town, but a place like L.A. has hookers stripping on the street. So, yes I think country people have much better values.

5/12/2006 10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great question. If I could find work in the country I would go in a minute. My S.Texas inlaws have such a rich carefree life compared to Houston life. Meals together without TV is one example. Unfortunatly city life is creeping in. The farmers are passing on and there is no one left to follow tradition.

5/13/2006 10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In regard to some things yes. I think that people who live in rural areas value automobiles more... because taxis, trains, & buses are not readily available, & the nearest store may be ten miles away. People who make a deliberate choice to live in rural areas, one could conclude, value open space i.e. acreage- & privacy more than those who choose to live in the city. I have found that people in the city are more likely to be crude & rude in social interactions... the city is a big place & they may never see you again. Also, I think that it is more common for those living in the city... esp. younger people to network/hook-up merely for the sake of advancement... be it for financial, career, or "casual" reasons. The friends I have who live in the city appear to value fashion/style/outward appearance more than their living quarters.
I've observed that there is more "in your face" use of physical assets with less suttlty "work it" to get to get what you want, I believe is more common place. Of course just like most things, this is not true of all people.... but has been my observations & conclusions after having lived in & been exposed to both city & country living.

5/14/2006 8:26 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I think that Teresa has had some similar experiences to mine and I've seen many of the same things.

When I lived in Texas it was very common for people to talk to anyone and everyone and it didn't matter if they knew you or not. Eveyone is a potential new friend and they tended to assume the best about most people unless proven otherwise. Now I will also admit that being a white, middleclass, female may have made my experiences be different than someone else's may have been. On the other hand I have those same qualifications in the city and have experienced many people not responding to smiles, not making eye contact, or just being so wrapped up in their lives that there was very little room for anything else.

As Teresa also said, there are always exceptions (good and bad) across the whole spectrum.

I think that we tend to have this view that country people are more conservative and city people are more liberal. Those values exist in both places. Racism and generosity exist in both the country and the city. I left my doors unlocked in Snyder, Texas and I locked everything up in San Diego, California.

5/20/2006 11:41 AM  

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