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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 49

Do you have a talent or quality that makes you feel good about yourself? What is it?
Do you use it as often as you'd like to? Why or why not?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I would say generosity.

Quite frankly, it isn't used as often as I wish either due to lack of resources or, um...selfishness. Yin and Yang, right? I do feel really good when I do something for others or donate cash, clothes, etc. I don't know why I do it less than I would like, except as I stated above, plain selfishness. Not a very good trait, I suppose. Hmmm...

2/18/2006 12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say my creatlivity and artistic skills and I always try to use them regularly even though I haven't been in the past.

2/18/2006 6:32 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Reading and writing used to be great passions of mine and, at one time, I even thought I was fairly good at both of those skills. I wouldn't call it a talent but it was something that I enjoyed immensely and I wish that I had more time for it.

I don't read OR write as much as I would like to and I guess the main thing that stops me is that I have not made it a high enough priority and I have not dedicated some time and energy towards either one so I have nobody to blame but myself for not doing them.

2/18/2006 7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My musicality. I try to use it as much as possible; I play in as many bands/groups/orchestras as I can. So I think I do use that one as often as I could, even if there just aren't enough hoursin a day to use it as much as Id like.

After that would probably come teaching people things. I don't do this as much as I would like, mainly because I don't have the oppertunities. I am trying to create some though. The pleasure that you get from seeing someone gain knowledge from you is immense.

2/19/2006 5:00 AM  
Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

I have a great passion for love and life. It oozes out of every pore of my body. Sometimes too much! I like people to be comfortable and smiling. i do what i can to make that happen. In small ways and big ones.

I do write some excellent poetry. I hope one day to make them into songs/music. That would really blend all my talents. An artist/musician/writer. I hope someday to inspire others to have the courage to do that for themselves.

2/19/2006 1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I do and it is to help people in any problem they are in

2/22/2006 10:17 AM  

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