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Friday, February 17, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 48

How does it make you feel when you see someone being rude or disrespectful to someone else?
What can you do to make the situation better?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that the person who is being rude and disrecpectful to someone,they must have no respect for them-self or anyone who is around them. They also must feel low about them self to have to pick on people.The sad thing is that they usually pick on people who can not defend them self. But me personly I have a big problem with that, they should pick on someone that can defend themself, actually they should not take it out on other people at all. I also have a problem with some kids in my class that are disrespectful to the staff that are in here when the teacher leaves to go some where. They think they can do what ever they wan't and when people try to tell them that they are buging them or are to louad they don't care. So to me I think they are a really low person. But when they do not get respect they get upset and start cursing at people and being really rude. To me, I do not think they should get any kind of respect other then the regular respect( such as a calm voice, yes no thank you no thank you have a gooday...) that is regular respect to me! They need to know that they do not desrve any kind of respect/ or kindness if they can not do so to other people. They think that it is ok but it is really not. Because if they do not wan't to be treated rudely or be disrespected they should treat others with kindes and with respect not like a kicked dog. They should not think it is not cool nor should they think that they are funny because they are really making themself look really small. If they are that upset at themself for what ever reason, then they should try to talk to someone to get it off there chest and not take it out on other people.

2/17/2006 11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have to say it makes me feel upset wene I see others that pick on people that can not defend themselves as well as we can. It makes me want to defend the person that is being picked on,and even do some damage to the person that is attacking the one that in not as capable as us.

2/17/2006 11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I see somebody else being rude I sometimes get mad, but if both people disrespect the each other then there on there own.

2/17/2006 12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really do not care when people are rude because it is not worth it to argue. But if they try to get in my face then I would not be so nice about it. And if someone tried to get rude with my family then I would put them in they place.

2/17/2006 12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm usually a fairly quiet and reserved person, minding my own business pretty well. But when I see someone treating somebody rudely or meanly the emotion I feel immediately is anger. And at this point I can't resist the urge to say something. I have to be careful, though, because I have at times acted or spoken just as rudely as the offending person. Depending on what the original problem was, I could end up just throwing more fuel on the fire and making a bad situation worse.

To make the situation better, if I don't know the people involved and nobody seems to be in any danger, I should probably just stay out of it (this will take some work). If I do know the people, I should gently step in and offer to help the parties work out their disagreement. Either way, it is important to keep my own anger out of the conflict.

2/18/2006 5:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad. It is such a negative statement about culture and humanity. Sometimes it even makes me angry, especially if someone is being victimized due to a perceived physical or mental characteristic.

The first thing I need to do to help out is to take a deep breath and think. My gut reaction sometimes only makes the situation worse. Then, if for no other reason to make myself feel better, I need to come to the aid of the victim. How? Usually, I mention how the lack of respect isn't solving the problem at hand, then try to refocus the conversation on actually solving whatever problem there may be.

2/18/2006 12:03 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

It is unsettling at the very least.

When it happens to be someone who I think has trouble defending him or herself then it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up and I can feel a rush of adrenaline that makes me want to instantly get involved and protect (much like a mama bear).

When it happens in my classroom then it makes me feel very disappointed in my students. Sometimes, when I walk out of the class, they throw papers around, make inappopriate comments, and disrupt some of the other students (the ones who really DO care about their education and are showing respect to the classroom staff) and it really bothers me that they feel okay with acting that way just because I'm not there to scold them. They should respect the other staff just the SAME as they do me.

In fact, they are really not respecting me at all if they act differently when I'm there or not there. True respect would be 24/7 and not need a witness to see it.

To make the situation better in the classroom I have to work harder to teach the students how to be responsible human beaings.

Out in public I have to be more careful of the example that I set, the way that I respond to people, and, perhaps, just be there to extend a smile or a courteous offer of assistance to remind others that good social skills solve more problems than rudeness or fighting.

2/18/2006 6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I hate seeing people being unecesarraly disrepsectful or rude to people. Generally I either confront the person directly, but subtly - say that i dont agree with them in a suitable tone of voice to the situation. However Im not sure that all teachers should be respected. Teachers should start off in a position of esteem, but they have to keep that - if they don't do thier job (ie teach) then they are liable to lose the respect of the students. I have seen this happen - bad teachers lose respect of good and bad students alike. I also know that most teachers are not like this, and most teachers are heros. So respec is not blind, but should be dealt out generously.

Generally to make a situation better, I either tell the injured party what i truely feel about them, and reassure them that not everyone feels that way, and/or confront the rude person. But there are some situations where it is better just to watch the abuse whistle overhead.

2/19/2006 5:06 AM  

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