Question of the Day: Day 45
Why or why not?
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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
It is good to have empathy simply because it means that you aren't alone and that you can share an experience that you learned and probably that person would be better because of it.
It is a good thing to have. I try, and I am good at projecting msyelf into some situations, but there are somethings I just cannot understand. People are too wierd for me to empathise properly. But I am good at accepting that other people's motivations are different, and listening sympatheticallly even if I dont understand why they are upset. That is a skill I treasure.
I can also seem to empathise/understand why someone doen't understand something, and explain it in a better way. mostly.
I'm assuming you mean empathize - emphasizing with other peoples' situations is drama.
Empathy - yeah, empathy is, IMO the key to helping other people and to learning lessons through others' experiences.
Without the development of the ability to experience other people as the feel and live my life would be pretty much worthless. Empathy is, to me, the description of the connection which binds us all together - understanding through and acting (mindfully) in response to an empathic connections is the best way for me to feel good about myself and about others.
Empathy is the stuff of love.
I'm a little scattered today, sorry - but I'm glad I could respond to this particular question.
Happy Valentine's Day -
Thank you, B, that was the right word.
I fixed it in the blog entry.
Dont you mean empathise? ;) I know - trans-Atlantic gulf again.
In my opinion, it's almost always useful because it can bring logical thinking into random rage, seeing as I've been through that before.
i belive if you worry about other people's promble it will get in your vway of your life
YES I do think that empathy is good to have for other people because if you do not you are basicly saying they do not care for other people!
Yes always, because it makes you a better person and I think it can build character in someone. Also I think that the people who can show other people empathy are the people who grow up to be sucessful in the people. The people that can't show empathy for other people usualy don't care about what other people think and what's going on with them. So I think that it is always good to show empathy for other people.
I was on the street alot. The people that you are usualy are always teaching that you always show empathy for one another. I was around alot of people who showed me that you feel someones pain, you know what it's like for that person and you always do for someone as you would do for yourself. I learned alot of hard lessons on that. I think one of the reasons why I show so much empathize to other peoples situations because I never want anyone to go through some of the things that I went through, and I will always try to show people the same kind of peace that I have always wanted.
I think that it is very inportant to empathize and I will usauly only be around people that are like that.
If it was my last day then I would talk and go places with them. I would also spend a whole lot more time with my FAMILY.
Empathy is the link that joins us to other people. If we cannot share our emotions with someone and know that they, too, can feel what we do then we simply cannot "connect" with them on anything more than a surface level.
Without empathy a person travels through life more alone than they will ever know.
Yes, at least if you want to have any sort of meaningful relationship with another. Failing to connect comes from an inability to put youself in another's shoes. That is just sad.
I feel pretty fortunate to be able to empathize with others on a frequent basis. Sometimes that means I have to share their pain, but the rewards still far exceed any emotional drain I may have to endure.
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