Question of the Day: Day 30
How does it help you?
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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
Yes, I absolutely believe in the power of smiling! Whenever communication gets tense between me and my husband or son, I find that things can be smoothed over if I will just take a moment and smile. I smile at people while I am grocery shopping and it really seems to make people's day to see someone who isn't grouchy and impatient. There is an almost instant human connection with total strangers when you make eye contact and smile.
There is an old song with lyrics that say, "Smile when your heart is breaking..." I truly believe that you can influence your inner mood by just smiling. You can trick yourself into being in a better mood!
I am not sure. Sometimes a smile can help but sometimes it will not work.
Yes,I think a smile can bring a better day for someone. Because a smile shows that there is peace, love, or good in a person.
I know that a smile can make someones day brighter. When I am despressed or upset I always like to see someone smiling and happy. It really lifts me up and makes me fell better about myself when I am smiling and feeling good about myself. There is this saying that my mom use to say when she was away "When your down look around and smiles will bring you up. So I always try to smile and make myself happy.
It is amazing how something as simple as eye contact and a smile can have such a powerful effect on a person's mood. This simple gesture breaks down all those artificial barriers that we build between ourselves and other people. I think one smile says all this: "we're both human, I respect you, we're in this together, we are equals regardless of our backgrounds, beliefs, race or religion..." It takes practice to fight our tendency to close off and look away but once we get used to this simple way of openeing up, the rewards are great.
I know it can, whether you give one or receive one. Facial gestures are very strong cues given out to others. People cannot help but react with empathy when obvious expressions of happiness, anger, confusion, etc. are noticed on others' faces.
Since I deal frequently with the public, I use it to help diffuse tense situations. Sometimes it's just a quick way to almost bond with someone. Best of all, when someone smiles at me, I feel good about them, myself, and life in general.
Yes, it can.
A smile can change a life.
A genuine smile with eye contact makes me feel connected to another person as nothing else can.
There is an amazing power in a smile.
It makes you take a step back and ask yourself "Why aren't you smiling yourself?" Absolutly,it can influence your day.
yes makes me happy
Oh yes, I suggest that anyone walk into a nursing home & smile at the old folk to see a depressed & lonely face brighten up. Smiles are powerful.
well it depends because when im just in a bummed out mood it would take just one funnie cute happy face to get me..but for some people it takes more but smiling at a person when they look down for what ever reason your smile might be the smile to get them going...but we cant just rely on a smiles because if smiles did the trick we wouldnt be in war...
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