Question of the Day: Day 24
Which one is the real you?
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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
I really don't know what values are but i know that when i get mad i can't contol myself when i want to i'm going to be me
I guess that my values do change with my moods. When I'm upset, I am much more likely to say mean things to whoever may be near me or act out in some aggressive way (pound the wall, yell, throw something). And yes, that is the real me just as much as the calm easygoing me is the real me.
I think of it this way. There are two "real me's". One is the person that other people see - this is based mostly on what they hear me say and see me do. The other "real me" is the the person I think I am - based on my values, thoughts and intentions.
As I go through life, I think I should be trying to make these two different "real me's" as alike as I can - to make my speech and actions reflect my morals and values as much as possible.
My values are about who I am and that does not change with my mood.
If I am curt with someone because I am upset, frustrated, or not feeling well that is not a change in my values. I still KNOW the right way to treat people and it is up to me to make amends to that person and work harder to control myself in the future.
So I'm not a different person in different situations. I am the same person, right or wrong, and I am reponsible for all that I do.
Values change all the time. When i am hungry I value food more than when I'm not hungry. On a deeper level...I'd say the values dont change, but the interpretations and actions change. My brother can't control his anger. He often lashes out at his family, loses control a lot. When he is being moody he is a different person in some ways, but one with the same aims. The normal K (my bro) doesn't want to do his homework, and neither does the angry K. The difference is that the normal K will sit down and get on with it, whereas the angry K will make a fuss.
Myself, I have learnt to control most of my negative emotions. If I hadn't I would be far more miserable than I am today. Every day I count myself lucky to be here...if I didn't, it would start getting me down. So perhaps the me when I was down was a different person..but I dont think so.
when i get sad or hurt i cry alot .
but now im getting better and trying not to do any thing stupid.
to myself or to others.
I just wanted to add a point that I had made in the classroom earlier this morning and that is that I do think that our values change and evolve over time and with the addition of new life experiences.
So my values today are not exactly the same that they were 20 years ago but is NOT the same thing as changing with moods.
Do your values change with your moods? (When you are hurt or angry are you more likely to do things that you wouldn't do at other times?)
Which one is the real you?:________
when I'm sad,hurt or angry I do alot of things that I will later regret and that I wouldn't do at other times. The real me is the nice, kind, responsible, friendly, helpful, adult like, mannerful, bright, non abusive, happy, hopful, smiling, challenging taking, beautiful, loving, Chasite Snow.
No my values don't change with my moods, but my moods do change. When I am irratated I am more likely to do things that I later regret. I would say the real me in the nice happy me that everyone love to be around.
When I am "mindful" of who I am and want to be, my values do not change according to circumstances or conditions.
That is the real me.
If I am ignorant of myself, my potential, and my compassion toward all living beings - nothing has value.
That is an illusion of me.
Sometimes, yes. I think everyone loses their temper from time to time. I always end up regretting those actions and so, on the surface, it looks like my values didn't really change. However, in the brief moments when a person just snaps, I think there is a temporary suspension of personal values. It has to happen, or else we would never do things we later regret.
The real me? Well, since I explained above that we momentarily suspend our values, both are the real me. The real me allows myself to become angry, hurt, whatever and occaisionally allows me to lash out inappropriately.
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