Question of the Day: Day 28
Have you done it or had it done to you and how did that turn out?
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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
If someone borrows something from you without permission, it is stealing. No-one, not even a best friend, has the right to take something from you and use it without your knowledge and permssion. It's only fair.
I think that borrowing without permission is stealing.
Borrowing is taking something with permission, and with terms of how, and how long that thing will be used. If there is not permission given, or if the terms are violated, then it's stealing - both in the letter and the spirit of whatever law is considered.
I have stolen things in my life - I have paid for some of these with money, and some with guilt and shame - but, most importantly, I have learned that stealing hurts people.
I have had a serious problem with my children, of late, and their willingness to pay each other back for offenses by stealing from one another. It's a real problem. I've tried to tell them that stealing, and being stolen from, is something that hangs on in memory for a long time.
It depends...there are things in my family that i could take if I really needed to and there wouldn't be much fus. Gardening gloves, concert bow ties that kind of thing. Different is things that aren't so comunal; peeps don't like that. I wouldn't mind so much if someone took some of my things, but others are different. eg if a friend needed to borrow a pen and used mine cos my bag was lying around, I wouldn't mind. But it only works between people who have terms agreed, conciously or subconciously. You have to know them pretty well, and the item has to be pretty trivial.
If they miss it - ie they notice before you tell them - its stealing. If you know they will let you take it and won't mind you taking it without asking first, then you ask at the first opertunity - then its not. IMO
I do this all the time even though I know it is wrong. I always try to ask first then accept the answer. but sometimes it is hard because the things I take are not very big things (food, chocolate).
I am learning to be a better asker.
Yes, I'd call it stealing. As Callum said though, trivial things usually don't get most people in a tizzy. Sometimes what you thought was trivial really wasn't though. I have heard of instances where food was taken from a breakroom fridge and the victim had no money on their person to buy food that day. (Not trying to pick on you, Anica) So, it just depends on the circumstances and the truth is you can't know all the variables ahead of time.
Any instance of this sort of thing happening to me hasn't been significant enough for me to remember. Now, as for me doing the swiping...the ramifications also haven't been significant enough to me to remember. Can't say how the victims have felt though. Maybe some just never said anything, but were really pissed.
I think that most people who know me understand that there is an implicit permission already given of most anything that I have - if they need it then they are welcome to use it.
Without that, though, I think that people should generally make sure that they do have permission before using something that belongs to someone else.
I don't know that I consider it the exact same thing as stealing because the person has the intention of returning it and not keeping it but I'd certainly say that it is rude.
To me it is stealing. If someone were to use or borrow something that was mine with out my permission I would get made.
Of course it's stealing because that person knows that it doesn't belong to them so they have no right to take it. I think that it's stealling even when it comes to family members.
I used to have my sister take my clothes all tha time. She says since she found them in my old room back home and not with me now she has every right to have them. That used to make me very irritable because she has no right to them.
Also since I'm in a group home you find that alot with the other five girls in the house. Soon you just have to learn to deal with it.
When you steal, you usually don't ask first! Same thing.
If have a great realationship with them mabye not.But if you dont know them or dont like them then it is stealing.
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