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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
I am a Christian. I go to church most Sundays, go to an Xtian youth group, and try to lead my life by Christ. Mostly I fail. I try to be humble around others, not cause any harm, look out for others, and generaly live my life with love for my fellow human beings. I look to the Bible for help on hard moral issues. I hope my core values reflect those displayed in the New Testament.
I was raised as a Missouri Synod Lutheran. For those that don't know, that means my family was a member of a strict Lutheran church. I even taught 2nd grade Sunday School. Though I went to a few friends churches from time to time, quite frankly, I was indoctrinated. I didn't realize that until I had traveled a bit and met people from different cultures and backgrounds.
Once I was out and about, however, I learned that the vast majority of religions have two very basic traits in common. First, they try to deal with the fact that man is gregarious by nature and so is likely to live in communities. So, we all need to get along each other, i.e. "love thy neighbor...". Second, by and large, most people really do fear death, so that is appeased, i.e. moving on to a spirit world or going to heaven. That's it.
So, after meeting many different people in my travels throughout the world, I collected a hodgepodge of spiritual beliefs that I utilize today. No, I am no longer Lutheran, even Christian, for that matter. I am more likely to read the I Ching than The Bible. Nevertheless, my core values are centered on one idea, "love thy neighbor". I guess, spiritually, I subscribe to this K.I.S.S. principle and try to live my life accordingly.
yes, I do.
they are the framework in which I try to live my life. I'm not always successful in doing so, but I try not to be to hard on myself for it (though I frequently am) because I am, after all, human.
My upbrining included exposure to several different religions but I do not lay claim to any specific one. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that I have become fairly cynical to most organized religious dogmas.
Being spiritual is a whole different thing, though. And yes, it does impact my core values. I believe that we are all connected that I cannot put bad things out there intot he world and not have them come back to me. Any harm that I may do to others I also do to myself. I do, in fact, have a moral obligation to look out for others and for the world that we all live in.
Ever since I was younger I would go to church with my grandmother. She put this strong believe about god in my heart. I loved her for that because I learned to love him and except him as a whole. I wouldn't say that my believe would change me as a person. I am still me and I do, say, think, and whatever else I want to say or think because it's my life and I know that he isn't going to punish me out of doing wrong.
I'm not really spiritual but i think its good for a person to think theres something out there because it gives them hope and peace inside them and helps them in live.
Yes I do have a spirtual belief. And yes I belive that it dose change my values.
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