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Monday, January 09, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 9

Is there something that you have done that you haven't forgiven yourself for?
What's stopping you?


Blogger b said...

I have not forgiven myself for hurting my body with cigarettes - I've smoked for many years, have tried to quit several times, and failed.

I have not forgiven myself for this because I'm still smoking - and I haven't quit smoking because I haven't forgiven myself for enjoying this self-destroying habit.

Blame and anger, especially when held agains oneself, are completely antiproductive.

1/09/2006 9:28 AM  
Blogger Alexandra said...

No, I can honestly say that all is forgiven. Although I am still wracked with remorse that I let myself get so far into debt.

But when I realize it was the result of being in a low-paying career that never let me get ahead...it's somehow ok. It is what it is, and I'm taking steps to remedy the situation now.

1/09/2006 9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I must be the envy of anybody who reads this, but I think I have forgiven myself for everything I've done, from running off school campus in fifth grade to cutting the skin of my fingers of one hand in 2005.

1/09/2006 10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I called kip a b****. I haven't forgiven myself because,I see kip as a nice person. And for me to call her that, was messed up. every time I talk to her I here myself calling her out of her name.

1/09/2006 10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes there is one major thing three month's before my sister was murderd I called her out of her name and told her I wish you would dead. I was never able to say sorry to her she died at age fifteen. On january 19 she would have been 23. One other thing is me and one of my other sister would try to fight her and we would, also do relly man things to her. So no I have not forgiven myself for that because the pain is very hurtful. Also because some people in my family blame me for some of it because of how I treated her. So I still think it is my fault maybe if I was a better brother she would not have died. Every morning I think of her and how I should have been. So this is something I will regret from the age of 8 till I die all because I was so mean and because how I treated people when I was younger it will haunt me all my life. If only I was a better brother.

1/09/2006 12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't forgiven myself for not giving a girl some much needed advice yesterday. She is being bullied at school, and she told me. I should have said something, but couldn't think, or didn't want to think, or what it was like for me. So I did nothing. Ill see her again though. But I won't forgive myself until I spit it out.

1/09/2006 12:31 PM  
Blogger Joni said...

One of the last 10 things I said to my father before he died was "I hate you". I was 18. He was a verbally abusive alcoholic. The night he died, we fought and I left the house to hang out with my friends. While I was gone he had a heart attack and died. I arrived home just as my family had discovered him dead. I performed CPR on him, but to no avail.

After 22 years, I've mostly forgiven myself for it, but I still wish it could have been different and that I would have been able to be less reactionary to his words.

1/09/2006 12:40 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Callum, my answer this morning was quite similar to yours. Someone that I was aware of being bullied when I was in school and I did nothing is the thing that I still carry with me. It continues to haunt me and is, perhaps, one of the main reasons why it is truly a crusade of mine here at my school.

Sometimes it is not the thing that we have done but the thing that we should have done and didn't that is so difficult to forgive.

Again, I am humbled by the level of trust and courage so many people have shown in laying themselves bare in these pages.

I salute each and every one of you.

1/09/2006 12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have not forgiven my self for being in a gang,all because of that my family almost got killed one night,

and what stops me from forgiven my self is that i'm still a gang member.

1/09/2006 12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The day I was taking from my mom i never said goodbye and how she is gone i will never for give my self i think if i would have said goodbye then my life would be easier and i miss her everyday.

1/09/2006 1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have alot of things that I haven't been able to forgive myself for.

I think the biggest thing I haven't forgave myself for is selling myself at the age of 13. Because I was out on the streets, refusing to go back to a group home I was in. It hurt me in many ways. For along time I couldn't face myself or the ones I love. I was arrested and sent to a level 14 group home. I still have nightmares and, I still cry myself to sleap at night.

The reason I wasn't able to forgive myself afterwards is because I felt that I wasn't good enough. That I was what I did, and nothing less or more. That things will always be like they were before. It's one of the hardest things I have face with every day. Also that I'm afraid that I will hurt my family again.

1/09/2006 1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not forgiven myself for most of my mistakes I also do not forgive many people who have done me wrong but I do not beat myself up over it cause I am only human and all humans make mistakes.
I really hope all who read this realize we are all our own selves
we live to learn. love always

1/09/2006 2:11 PM  
Blogger David said...


I have no idea.

1/09/2006 4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the thing that makes me feel the most ashamed, sad, etc. is that I have allowed myself to drift away from my family. Not just one member, but my whole immediate family. The thing is that I actually really do care for them, but that I am so embarrassed that I chose not to stay in touch, that I use that as a road block to reconnecting. I make quick little forays back into their lives, but nothing consistent.

OK. Now, I'm bummed out...

The only thing stopping me from getting back into their lives is my foolish pride.

Sheesh, I'm a moron.

1/10/2006 8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not forgiven myself for hurting my family amotionaly like I have. Before when my mom and sister sat at home waiting for me, I was out breaking the law and doing thing that screwed up my life. I was a little truble maker back then. One day I got myself arrested, and put in a group home. For three years I was in a group home until I was put back with my mom. Now I am doing great at home and at my school,everything is going great. All of this truble that I have caused my family they still forgave me. But I can't forgive myself

1/10/2006 8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few years ago, I have decided that I couldn't continue thinking about my past mistakes. My past is full of mistakes and regrets. I believe the same is true with most people. Why? Because of inexperience, we stumble and fall. Mistakes aren't supposed to keep us down. They're supposed to teach us so we can get up a bit stronger than when we first fell. But, the biggest mistake we could make is if we continue to be bound by our past. We'll be like athletes who couldn't run because we've been chained. We can only move forward if we break those chains of the past that hold us back. Once I decided to forgive myself, I felt like I was suddenly let loose to accomplish anything I want.

1/10/2006 9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't forgiven myself for being desperate to the opposite sex and for being way to pushy for people.

I learned that you need to give people space and that it is OK to wait for an answer, friendship, dateship, partner.

and debt but I paid it off. Now all I need to do is learn how to budget.

1/13/2006 9:48 AM  

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