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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 208

Think of someone who really bothers or frustrates you and exactly what those behaviors are that bug you then imagine those exact same behaviors in someone that you love or care about. Can you transfer some of those good feelings or strategies from the person you love to the person that bugs you and make it better or would it not make any difference at all?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i think that i would have more tolerance for a stranger then a person i love and care about. for example my friend that i love with all my heart gets on my nerves more then anybody else and i usually tell him off but then sometimes i cant help but to laugh at the situation whether its right that moment or 3 days later so i guess i would use how i deal with strangers to be more kind with the people i love. besides i couldnt actually despise a person that much too just erase them off the earth because even tho they get on my nerves someone some where really cares about that person.

7/27/2006 9:39 AM  
Blogger Mississippi Songbird said...

Well, Actually, the only ones who's behavior bug me or bother me would be the ones I care about. Otherwise, If I didn't care about the person, I doubt I would care what they do or think, unless it were to harm me or someone I love. This is a hard question..lol

I'll ponder some more..

7/27/2006 9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I consider myself to be a reasonably non-judgemental & patient person. I believe that there is good in most everyone & that is what I look for, rather than focus on their negative traits. However, there are a few~ very few people I've come across who are clearly sociopaths... unfortunate for them & the world at large. I've come across them in my line of work AND am pleased to say the I do not have anyone with those traits in my personal life. Even in those who appear to have no true emotion, empathy for others, remorse for their ills, I have found a grain of good.

7/27/2006 10:47 AM  
Blogger b said...

Yes, it does make a difference for me - I shall work on this.

7/27/2006 1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes it does bother me and it would help to channel my anger on something else.

7/27/2006 1:30 PM  

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