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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 168

Is there anything that you NEED that you do not currently have? How can/will you get it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I possess all that I truly need... inside of me~ most of what I truly need, that is. However, while I consider myself to be blessed, there are a few things which I still need, or more accurately WANT more than need. I will get them~ if they are what's best for myself & others, by being authentic, intuitive, attentive, & patient in my pursuit of them.
That's what cashews do :) !

6/18/2006 5:42 PM  
Blogger b said...

No - I know that, if I act mindfully and lovingly, what I need will always be there when I need it to be.

I don't always get what I want - it's usually not too much of a stretch for me to understand that when I don't get something I want it's because it isn't good for me to have, the times I'm not happy about getting what I want I find to be good lessons.

6/18/2006 5:50 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I need a vacation!

I can hold out until August when I get 3 weeks off!

6/20/2006 3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that I have all that I need. I would say that I NEED a family, but that's what friends are. And anyway, I want to start my own family and put the past behind.

6/28/2006 1:25 PM  

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