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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 151

Have you ever been so afraid of being successful at something that you made yourself fail?
What was scary about it and how did you overcome it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say afraid. More apprenhensive maybe. It's deep in my psyche I suppose, but when something really clicks, I can't enjoy it, not because I think it will go away, but because consistancy is so hit and miss for me. I wouldn't purposely cause myself failure, but somewhere deep inside my head there is a reduced expectation of success. I work on it, but I was ADD before it had a name, and I don't medicate, so my attempts are strictly organic realizations and any victories are welcome but not necessarily celebrated.

5/31/2006 10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, I used to think that when something really good happened & all was going well, it was too good to be true & the Nicle Back song says,
"I just feel that I'm constantly dreaming... ...
Cuz something's gotta go wrong
Cuz I'm feelin' way too damn good".
A Murphy's law kind of thing.

But, I've made progress & know to enjoy life... just enjoy all the good- without "what if" thinking, and to go thru the bad in order to get thru it; the bad times help us to be greatful for good blessings
I've been alive long enough to know
that as far as good & bad days, or moods... "they will change."

5/31/2006 11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little bit of Murphy's Law...


***NOW, I think about all that can go RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

5/31/2006 11:57 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Not really.

I am much more worried about not being good enough or of failing than I am of being successful.

6/20/2006 1:46 PM  

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