Question of the Day: Day 74
Why or why not?
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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
As a culture I'd say that we do not revere our elderly as well as many asian, latino, or even native american peoples do.
We don't have the large extended family units that many cultures have. We also have wider distances between family members in more recent years as people have relocated across the country and the world.
I'd love to see a study that actually shows what many nations/cultures do as they age. Perhaps I can find time to research that at some point.
I don't think they do. I think Our culture celebrates youth, but puts down age.. It's sad how some are treated.
Absolutely not! Most people I've seen treat their elderly (especially the ones who need assistence) like their babies! How can those people do that? Those elderly have lived through more experiences than they have and here they're treating them like children who don't have any knowledge or experience!
I dom not think that Americans treat there elderly with enough respect as those of other cultures do. I do not think that people in America treat the elderly withrespect, because here alot of young adults, and teens think that they can treat anybody/elderly people how they want because they are old, and they do not know anything, when I fact the elderly know much more than us because they have been though alot more then use young people they have seen alot more then we have. I think that people should take time out of there life and take a look at the older(also the elderly people in retierment homes that have know one to care for them) people in and out of there family and spend time with them and tell them that they care because with out them you would not be HERE ALIVE RIGHT KNOW!!! AND THAT IS A FACT!!!
I would have to agree with Michelle on this one. I personaly think that our country treats our elderly like crap compared to other country's elderly. Country's like Asia, parts of Europe, and many more others treat their elderly like gods. I think we should start treating uor elderly much better than we are now.
The true shame of our society is the "cult of youth" which puts so much importance on doing things and less on being.
Elderly people have done their "doing" and are settling down into "being". In many other cultures the balance between being and doing is better. In America we value doing so much that we seem to idolize sports figures who hit 70 home runs a year but cannot seem to stay married to one woman or love and nurture their children well.
We are hung up on what a person can do and this is wrong.
A responsible and happy person is comfortable both doing and being. He/She will then also treat elderly people well and respect his/her parents.
i think americans dont give da respect that most elders desrve. in other countries elders are treated like gods for the things they ben through. i dont believe that most countries only give the elders respect if the did something to be praised about.its bul elders should be respected cuz they been throu when there was no tv or music go crazy.
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