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Monday, February 06, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 37

Do you think that most people have hidden agendas (they want something from you but aren't saying it out loud) or do you think that most people are open and honest?


Blogger Anica said...

I was brought up by cynicism and tend to think that everybody has an agenda but then I think to myself, "how stressful is thinking that always watching over your shoulder like that."

So I tend to think that people are doing what they are supposed to be doing and nothing more.

I wish I can say something with more wisdome but I don't have wisdom for this.

2/06/2006 9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that at least one sixth of the human population are about half and half. However, there is always an uncommon person you might come across that's almost all open and honest or the exact opposite.

2/06/2006 10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Depends on the person(s) if they're nice or not

2/06/2006 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think there would be more open and honest people than people with hidden agenda's. (At least I would like to think there is). I was brought up with honest values. All of the people that I spend time with are willing to be open and honest to. There has been times were I have encountered a person that I found out that they have a hidden agenda and I lef them as soon as posible. I think it is important to stay away from those people

2/06/2006 11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think everybody has hidden agenda's and sometimes they dont even know about it.

2/06/2006 11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It depends on what sort of agenda you are talking about. I always feel that everyone is trying to make fun of me in some subtle way - perhaps because for much of my life they were (still do, but in a nice way). However, I do find it hard to believe that anyone can double talk to the extent of completely hiding thier opinions of someone from them. I am open and honest with my opinion of everyone because I cannot act any other way. If I dont like someone I am not good enough at manipulating myself to remain anything more than coldly cordial with them. If I like someone I can't pretend I dont for the benifit of someone around me. I know that other people can and do, and it is, to me, one of the most mystifying things about life. Why do people spend so much effort and time trying to get along with people they hate, then spend the rest of the time bitching about them? Why not just act neutral or worse to anyone you aren't positive to? perhaps because I am more forgiving than some might be I can get on with a wider group of people...but I'm not sure. I don't have many real friends...but lots of aquaintances.

2/06/2006 12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think people are complicated I do not understand any of them. I feel many people do have hidden agendas because I just found out my best friend killed herself. So obviously she did not tell anyone her selfish plan. So yes I do think people have hidden agendas and I also know that nobody is honest because many people do not even tell the truth to them selves. I also think that humans are sick demented creatures who are so screwed up that they do not even realize how easy it would be to just listen to each other and help one another out. So please anyone who reads this entry just listen to each other and don't ever forget to tell someone if life seems to hard. It will help, believe me I know.

2/06/2006 12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that the people around me have hidden agendas because of the past experiances that I have had. I was really a street rat at 1 time in my life. Being in foster homes and group homes I would just runaway. I ran from all my placements and I would stay out for long periods of time. I was around people who use to let me go into there homes and eat, and sleap, get cleaned up, but they were always wanting something in return whether they wanted me to sleap with them or work for them it didn't matter as long as they got what they wanted. So I learned the hard way to only trust myself because the reality was that they were always out to get you. Even still being in a steady place and having people around me that are always there to try and help my problems, but I still don't have that trust.

2/07/2006 8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that some people have hidden agendas all the time. But other people only have it evey know and then.

2/07/2006 10:18 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I think that many people have agendas and some are hidden and some are above board...especially in a business setting.

But in our personal lives I'd like to think that most people are open and honest and that what you see is what you get. Most surprises should be GOOD ones.

2/10/2006 8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes and no. I think most people are open and honest about most things, especially if they feel the idea isn't threatening or uncomfortable. However, when the thought does cause discomfort to themselves or sometimes to others, people can be less open about their intentions. Occaisionally this may be for truly bad things, but I bet the majority of times, the ideas or thoughts are pretty tame. In fact, if the person would just be honest and direct, I think the other person would grant them the wish or help, etc. The one with the hidden agenda just psyches themselves out and imagines that they won't get any cooperation.

2/18/2006 10:35 AM  

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