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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 32

Are you honest with yourself about your own behaviors or do you make excuses to justify the things that you know are not okay?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For me I would have to say yes to both parts. However, after everything is said and done, I'll probably still feel guilty for whatever the bad thing is that I did.

2/01/2006 10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes I am but sometimes I am no I wish I could say differtnt but I can not. I am not ok with that it that why I am trying to change that though.

2/01/2006 10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never made excuses to others about my behavior, but sometimes I made excuses to myself.

It is always best to accept things so they can be learned from and changed.

2/01/2006 1:03 PM  
Blogger Joni said...

I really try to be honest about my behavior to myself and others. About what motivates me, about what angers me, about what confuses me, and about what causes me joy.

I screw up. I know that. I'm human. I'm so far from perfect, it's not funny. So I see no reason to try to hide that. How can I possibly do better in the future, and not repeat those behaviors if I don't look at them honestly? I can't.

2/01/2006 1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes yes and sometimes no. There has been a time wene I have knocked a mans lights out for being inapropriate to my mother, and I told myself it was okay that I did that for that exact reason. Know I would not do that unless I had to. I would just give him the guilt treatment.

2/01/2006 1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not all the time, but neither is anyone else. You see many of us are try to make the wrong right. I think that if the people who said yes are lying to themselfs. I wonder how many people take true responsibility for there actions I know that I don't sometimes. There have bene many times were I tried to tell myself what I was doing was right, but the whole time that I was doing that I was in a stage of denial.

2/02/2006 8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I try to be honest in all I do, and alot of the time it hurts either myself or someone else, but to be honest, when I don't like the outcome or get embarrassed or ashamed I actually did it(what ever it is)I will make an excuse. I use the excuse to try and fiqure out why I did what I did and then justity it.

2/02/2006 2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I am relatively honest with myself. There are occaisions where, if for no other reason than mental self-defense, I allow myself to believe a fallacy. Overall,I don't think I do it regularly.

Do I make excuses? Probably. Certainly, I will sometimes psych myself out of doing things that I know I should do or even want to do. Usually, this is a situation where I feel like I would lose face. Deep down, I know that that is a sign of weakness, but I still continue the behavior. Then when I finally step up and do what I feared, either I realize it wasn't so bad or I'll endure a situation made worse by my prolonged self-deception.

2/03/2006 11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not honest with myself. There are things I should do that I don't do, and things I shouldn't do that I do do. Then i compound the error by telling myself it was OK. However...I try to be as honest with myself and everyone else. Particularly in school...I think some teachers are suprised by my directness - on anything other than homework I never lie. i try not to lie at all. I think i may be using the wrong lie (lye?) but whatever.

2/04/2006 6:55 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I would say that I am usually not only honest with myself but also fairly brutal in my own self-evaluations. I know what I am capable of and I know my weaknesses. I am more understanding of others than I am of myself.

2/04/2006 8:58 PM  

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