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Friday, November 24, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 328

Have you ever been "rescued" or "rescued" another from humiliation? How do you handle (emotions experienced) & navigate (actions taken) your way through an embarrassing situation?


Blogger teresa said...

Yes, I have had someone intervene on my behalf when another has put me on the spot (seemingly for no other reason that to be mean spirited)AND yes I have also spoken up when I've felt that someone was attempting to make another feel just awful- in public.

When my son was in 7th grade, he spoke up for a classmate who he felt was being targeted & ridiculed by a teacher. The teacher was reprimanding him in front of other students- what the teacher did not know, but my son did know was that there had been some very stressful events in the boys life, and that he had just recently moved with his mother & twin brother to a homeless shelter. Had the teacher taken him aside privately, he may have discovered that the kid had things much heavier than last night's assignment on his mind.

Though the teacher was pissed at my son, I was proud of him. He did what he felt was right- he had the courage to set an adult, a teacher- at that straight.

When I have experienced being embarrassed or have sense it coming on, I sometimes have felt betrayed, hurt, angry, - even disgusted. I tend to do one of three things:

* Ask, "Why do you mention it?"

* Search for my sense of humor & deal with it...


* Come back with something sure to shock & shut ('em) up.

11/26/2006 6:17 AM  

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