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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 192

How many times do you usually make the same mistake (and keep getting similar outcomes) before you change and do something different?


Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

Wow. you got me there. In order to not make mistakes your mind has to be engaged. i find that as i get more preoccupied I make mistakes, and sometimes the same ones over and over again. If i engage my mind and slow down i make less mistakes.

No when it comes to relationships, i still havent figured out whats up with them. So some behaviours are repeated until i learn what has hurt me and what was just a stepping stone to the next level. Mistakes at this level tend to be learning experiences. things that change our emotional facets.

7/11/2006 11:34 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I am a quick learner in most things and it only takes once, maybe twice, to figure it out.

The trick is to be sure I define what has been a mistake and what has been a learning experience because I find those to be vastly different experiences.

7/11/2006 3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh it depends on how bad I want to enforce my iron will. LOL
Seriously, I try to learn from my mistakes...but when I was a younger person I wasn't as patient and would often repeat mistakes knowing that the result would more or less be the same. It had to do with the pressure to fit in, when all along the answer was to go against the grain if necessary to be a better and more responsible person instead of making the mistake of thinking that all that was important was to fit in...

7/11/2006 4:52 PM  
Blogger b said...

I tend to learn from my mistakes.

I was a drug addict for a long time - so, there's that - and that kind of stupid stubbornness shows up in my life, still, from time to time.

But, I like to think - and my situation tends to reflect, that I would rather learn from, and pass beyond many of the mistakes that I do make.

7/11/2006 5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Far fewer times than in the past...
Occassionally, I fall into a mud puddle & splash like hell before standing up & walking away. I've absolutely no desire to repeat behaviours that produce personal agony.

7/11/2006 6:32 PM  

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