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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 182

Are you a self-starter or do you wait for someone else to tell you what needs to be done? How does this help or hurt you in your personal life or in your job?


Blogger b said...

I am accomplished at laziness and procrastination. I put off what I can, as long as it's not too difficult or costly to put it off, and I take care of things that I know will become more difficult and costly if I do put them off.

I enjoy lazily doing what I do - some people seem to think I do a lot - fools! Also, anyone is welcome to ask me to do something, and, if I am able (and feel like it), I will. Funny thing is, I enjoy helping other people, it contributes greatly to my satisfaction of being lazy the rest of the time.

When I do something, I like to spend some time, (not too much, that's as bad as work), pondering the job or project so I can do it with as little work as possible, and not have to come back and straighten it out later.

I usually organize things that need to be done by 2 criteria: importance and urgency.

If something is urgent and important, I'll do it now.

If something is urgent and unimportant, I'll find someone (there's always someone) who thinks it is important, and have them do it.

If something is not urgent but important, I'll schedule it, unless some 'self-starter' shows up.

If something is unimportand and not urgent, I'll do it if I want to, or I'll see if anyone else is interested.

I have told employers, co-workers, family, and friends that I am a lazy procrastinator, and they don't seem to mind. Well, I've never been fired, anyway.

So, what is this 'self-starting stuff', anyway? I think it's a euphemism for employers to determine whether or not thery're hiring someone who will do extra work for less money. In any given situation, there's never an excuse to say "I'm bored, there's nothing to do!", but, IMO, there's also no excuse to be such a brown-nose so as to madly and inefficiently work yourself to death.

I would, herein and herewith, like to thank and salute John Kenneth Galbraith and Frank Bunker Gilbreth - these men taught me a lot about how to be a lazy bum while most of the rest of the world runs themselves into mid-life ulcers, heart attacks, and self-destructive patterns of behavior.


7/01/2006 2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a self starter. My family depends on me. Its my job to "think". They (my family) rely on me. I have no choice.

I agree with a lot of what B say's tho. I am also a procrastinator at home.
Long ago I learned to be a PRO.

Works in real life.

7/01/2006 2:23 PM  
Blogger teresa said...

I used to be really anal about "getting on it" ~ school, work, domestic,~ assignments/tasks, IMMEDIATELY. I used to DISLIKE diversions from my self constructed routine. I had more patience and lower standards in dealing with others than with myself. I have learned over "the times of my life" to be more gentle & flexible with myself. I can actually leave the house without having to make my bed! I think that I am better rounded & balanced because for having learned not to "sweat the small stuff".

I sometimes, procrastinate... do attempt to prioritize as to take action according to what is urgent, necessary, important, & that which can wait. I am not always as disciplined as I wish I were, & there are times when I would like another's mindful input in helping me to prioritize tasks~ but I do try to be & most often consider myself to be a self starter. I think that it is much more desirable to work as a team with those we share our lives with... family, friends, co-workers, etc. Collaboration!

7/02/2006 6:45 AM  
Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

In my life, i have learned to take experience from all sources of knowledge, and make my own path. Hence I am a self starter. I do appreciate it when there is guidance involved. But i still tend to do it my own way. In my job, that tends to be an asset. It means that i can move quickly through projects.

In my personal life, it may lead to me being a little overpowering and controlling. I have learned over the years to let go of that some. I wont say completely. It tends to overwhelm an intimate relationship in a sense that the other person may feel like they are being told what to do.

7/02/2006 12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm definitely a self-starter in my professional career, as is my wife. We have each accomplished a lot and earned the respect of our peers, which is a big part of our lifes. Some people don't understand why we would put so much energy into work - to them it's just a paycheck. But I would counter that if you're going to spend a big chunk of your waking moments at work, shouldn't it have meaning?

My mother was the same way, and I used to like to talk to her about her work and see the pride she took in it. Then tragically she suddenly developed a serious illness and passed away. But I was amazed at the outpouring of support from her colleagues and associates, some from across the country, some who remembered her from decades past. She was a very modest women, but her strive for excellence had inspired many others. If she had known early in her career that she would leave this earth too soon, I don't think she would have changed a thing.

7/02/2006 1:14 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Whether or not I am a self-starter depends a lot on my level of investment in the outcome. I can procrastinate something that I dread doing or I can tackle it and get it over with if it is something that I do not like doing. Hard to say which one will win out on any given day!

At work I'd say that I tend to really jump on things and look for ways to accomplish goals or help other people to do that, too.

7/03/2006 8:46 AM  

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