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Sunday, July 09, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 190

What is your "happy" thought? When life is frustrating or people around you are grumpy and you need to just take a mental step away from all of that, what do you think about to put a smile back on your face?


Blogger David said...

actually; more of a who than a what.

7/09/2006 9:15 AM  
Blogger ladytao said...

"other people's kids", shake my head and look at them dumbfounded, and when they ask what was all that about? I simply respond, it's only as bad as you make it.

7/09/2006 9:22 AM  
Blogger S.A.M. Tanner said...

My happy thought(s) involve breathing. When things are tense and I'm upset, I breathe. I breathe and breathe and breathe and I get into the moment so I can see that all the upset and anger stems from fears of the future and worries about the past.

When I'm me, breathing and not dwelling away from the now, I am free and happy.

7/09/2006 9:33 AM  
Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

every day its different. Somedays i have none at all. But like stu said, breathing helps. and clearing my mind of everything. sometimes that is the only thing that can help my mind clear.

and music usually soothes whatever is ailing me.

7/09/2006 10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When either life, in general or grumpy people get me down, I tend to put on some music. I pull out all of my cd's- Hank Williams Jr., Garth, Reba,
Wynona, Out`Cast, Otis, Eminem, No Doubt, Stevie Ray, Aerosmith, Counting Crows, Jewel, Sara Mc., Grey Eye Glances, Natilie Merchant, Melissa Etheridge, Leonard Cohen, Edie... & everything in between. I just "escape" thru music. I've been know to stay up all night playing DJ.

Sometimes, I re-read old college papers, paint, or create something.

Sometimes, I go for a walk.. go to a floral shoppe & just look at all of the beautiful arrangements. Occasionally, I buy flowers. I also like to buy little gifts, or cards for others... it gives me some joy to find "just the right on thing".
Once in a while I schedule a manicure or a pedicure... something to look forward to.

At times, I throw a brief emotinal tantrum.

If I, for some reason can not DO something, I THINK of a mild weather day & me sitting by the lake reading a book.. uninterrupted... without time constraints. I think of flowing water~ there is nothing that can make me feel better/improve my mood than the awe of a waterfall- water flowing on & on & on & on... making its way to where it must go.. it must keep on flowing to infinity-
even if it has to run across someones lawn, down a gully, beneath the ground...

7/09/2006 3:00 PM  
Blogger b said...

Here is my happy thought:

She walks with me
down by the ocean
the sun is sinking low
the tide is high
our arms entwined we feel
each other's motion
like waves, we breathe
as one, and watch the sky.

7/09/2006 3:13 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Serenity NOW!

Calgon, take me away!

Well, okay not those.

I think about my loved ones. I think about the lake and the peaceful water. I think about a raging storm and the quiet that comes after it. I think about Godiva ice cream.

I think about how this is just one moment in a lifetime.

I think about the kind of nothingness that is like the center of a black hole, a deep abyss that can swallow all of my negative feelings and snuff them out like a flame.

7/11/2006 3:18 PM  

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