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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 175

Have you ever hurt someone's feelings with careless words that were not meant to be hurtful but ended up being received that way? Do you make an apology or just expect the other person to see your side and to get over it?


Blogger Michelle said...

Yes, I have unintentionally hurt people with my words. The fact that I didn't mean to hurt them did not lessen the pain that they still felt or the pain that I felt in making them hurt.

I almost always apologize. I may not know when I hurt someone but if I am paying attention I can figure it out and work to set it right.

Of course it helps when your friend trusts you enough to tell you that you hurt their feelings.

Expecting them to just get over it can damage trust and harm relationships.

6/24/2006 8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, and I find it hard to leave these mistakes unrepaired...even years later. Sometimes words can be so hurtful that mistaken or not, you can't undo the wrong. Then, you have to forgive yourself and move on. Sometimes a written apology or explanation is easier to get across...

6/24/2006 7:40 PM  
Blogger b said...

I have done this. Sometimes I will explain or correct myself, because I am mindul that I have made an error. There are other times, however, that I will not correct the situation, because I know that I didn't create ti, and I feel that trying to do the work the other person needs to do for herself would not help them - there are people out there who are looking to be offended so that someone will make it all right in response to the offense - they need to learn that a sick, silly game is not what life is about.

6/25/2006 11:22 AM  
Blogger Mississippi Songbird said...

If I know that I've hurt someone's feelings, I apologize immediately.
Or that's my goal..

6/25/2006 11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure that I have unintentionally hurt people with words. I've hurt myself, equally as much- perhaps, even more with careless words. Unless it is someone who has been nasty to me or to someone I care about & deserved to be put in their place - in which case I've probably thought before speaking & the words were intentional- it honestly weighs on me to think that I have hurt someone by being flippant.

I have no problem apologizing to another human being. I am not perfect. I am sometimes too quick to speak & will admit that; to err is human. I try to learn from mistakes & do better next time.

7/05/2006 2:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay when i do that im telling the truth i try not to be so hurtfull with it but the truth hurts and sometimes we got to except it. but then i also have the worst guilty conscience in the world so i end up apolgizing. then i would tell them that i was trying to me straghit with them and would they rather have me a friend tell them or a complete stranger. the reason i say that is because i mainly hit ma friends with the reality.

7/24/2006 11:59 AM  

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