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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
Certainly there are people who don't like me.
*putting myself in 'their' shoes*
b won't do what I want him to; he is outrageous in his attitudes and beliefs, he should know better!
Also, b has a tendancy to ignore what is proper. I try to get him to understand that he is risking his very soul with some of his blasphemous ideas. He doesn't seem to care what I think about him, he just does what he wants to do, and acts like he doesn't need me to tell him when he's wrong.
*gimme my shoes back*
I'm with "b".. gimme my shoes back..lol
No one can be friends with everyone..
but we can always try to be loving towards each other and treat each other with respect..**hugs**
People dont like me because sometimes I can be a bit direct. Also I have a tendancy (ok, a rather pronounced tendancy) to make nasty sarcastic comments that are jokes, and I expect the same in return, but not everyone feels comfortable with that. Some of my barbs can be a bit hurtful, and I do my best not to push anyone too far. So people dont like because of that sometimes.
Also some people seem to think Im arrogant. Perhaps I am in a way...I know Im smart, in soem ways smarter than other people, but also i know that they make it down the stairs without stubling more than 4/5 times.
I'm dumbfounded! No clue... if there are people who don't like me, & I'm sure that there must be some, it's probably because they figure I already have enough people who do like me.
Seriously, there are some people who "we" just don't care for & "we're" not even sure why ourselves. Maybe they remind us of someone who we had a bad past experience with, or wear their hair in some style which we find to be annoying as hell, or maybe they have the same first name as our ex., perhaps "we" simply do not click. No biggie; I already know enough people to be inconvenienced every day for the rest of my life, thank you very much.
I tend to shy away from people who gossip, are "all about the show shallow", whom I have discovered are just not good for me, or whom simply get a negative vibe from.
Can't please everyone.
I came back to add:
If someone does not like ME, who I am... that's unlikely to change. However, if someone dislikes a behaviour which I exhibit & calls me on it... discusses it openly and honestly, AND I understand how or why it bothers them AND agree that it would make sense~ be in my own & others' best interests to change the behaviour, I certainly would consider making a genuine effort to adjust my attitude &/or or change the behaviour.
Sure, there are people who do not like me. That goes with the territory of living.
I'm a reasonably intelligent and outspoken person and that can intimidate some people. I constantly work on being more tactful because I can be blunt to the point of rudeness and have to watch myself in that area. When I catch myself doing that I have to find a way to make amends to people that I have harmed with my words and am actually very successful at maintaining those relationships. It is the casual observer who hears the transgression but does not see the repair happen that is most likely to not like me. They have an incomplete picture of me and it is a negative one by their experience. I can't fault them for that.
I'm not likely to make personality or value changes for other people but I can and do work on my behaviors. I am an imperfect person and am always a work-in-progress.
People who truly know me understand that and those that don't think of me what they will. Time and future experience are probably the only things that may change that.
well at my age people dont like you for many difeernt reasons it might not always be you as a person it could be the clothes you wear what your belifes are or who you associate with. but if i put myself in there shoes too look at me as a person it might be because i carry myself as if you dont like me thats your problem. i dont really care what people think of me either and so when people like to put me down it doesnt phase me and sometimes that bothers people. i could also be mean at sometimes but mainly i pretty nice too people so maybe the way i change ma attuide so quickly towards people can be one. im not that sure i would have to actually confront some who doesnt like me and ask why in order to put myslef in there shoes.
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