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Monday, June 05, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 156

Have you ever seen an adult or a teenager throw a tantrum like a child? What would you have done if that had been you in that situation?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I have seen it from both teens and adults. Had I been in a situation, I would have thought thru my options first and then talked to the person(s) that might have caused me to be so angry and tried to difuse the situation in an appropriate manner.

6/05/2006 11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, many times from both sides. My old step dad threw the biggest fit I have ever seen. Him and my mom got into their first arguement and my dad started sceaming, crying, and punching holes in the wall. after he was done he just sat on the floor and started crying. it almost seemed like he was having an amotional break down. If I was in his situation, I would walk out of the house and take some space before it got that far.

6/05/2006 12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I have. Ironically, more often in adults than in teens... & unfortunately on about a weekly basis.
I know more than a few adults with explosive personalities. What I do when I feel like exploding.. is to verbalize that I own it.. say what it is that I need to say & if I feel my self beginning to get out of control... remove myself from the situation. I have said outloud, to myself, more that a few times... "frig it.. to stay sane, find the humour in it. That's the way I tend to cope with those moments.

6/06/2006 1:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. Age seems to be irrelavent.
In my own case, I have had emotional extremes in my past as a result I suppose of childhood situations and helplessness not
reconciled, but at some point and with much prayer and practice, my anger has blended into my pain and passed to the past, at least the the parts that caused over reaction.

6/08/2006 6:52 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Yes, I have seen many adults and teenagers throw tantrums and it is always disturbing to witness.

I'd take space and re-think the situation so that I could calm down before I reacted.

6/20/2006 1:58 PM  

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