Question of the Day: Day 107
Has it changed your life?
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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
It's a proven fact that a child surrounded by love will grow up caring and loving other people. Yet on the other hand a child that doesn't recieve the love of someone grows up with mental and emotion problems.
Nurse Kelly
PS Give someone a hug today1
Yes. Case in point: I was sick as a dog this weekend (Easter) from food poisoning on Saturday night. This brought about a fever the next day and, well... I was "unloading groceries from both ends of the car" if you know what I mean. Anyway, I could either stay at home for Easter and try to recover, or I could go to where all the family had gathered at my wife's parent's house and try to recover. I wasn't contagious, so I opted to go and rest there.
Even in another room, where I could hear the voices of family and friends while I napped with the window open and the fresh air breezing in, and the love of all those folks there filling the house, I recovered in half the time than I would have if I'd just stayed home in our dinky little apartment by myself.
Yes, love has a healing power love has healed me. Love has also changed my life in a way I thought love couldn't. Before I fell in love with this very specail person I thougth I was no one,at less no one specail. Me and this person became really good friends, after a while we became more than just good freinds. But we took a break and hopefuly our love will be just as better in the future.
yes, cause when you know someone loves you they can always make you smile when you are down and you know that person will always love you no matter what
Yes! Love that promotes & contributes to the well being of another.
By contrast, one who defines love by a desire to fully posess another and which attempts to hinder another's growth & genuine life journey, does not heal... it is selfish, and it cripples.
In regard to romantic committed love, I do believe that it is impossible for any one person to fulfill all of our needs i.e. intellect, social, educational- but that there are "specific" needs which should be fulfilled by only the person we are "in love" with.
i think so but, i do not think that it can heal you. love is something you earn. It comes from respect, trust, and understanding. i think that love has helped some in my life but change me" NO!!! "
Love heals mental and emotional pains and I think it really does help to accelerate the healing of physical pains as well.
Yes. Love has changed my life.
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