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Monday, March 20, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 79

Do you normally think about the consequences of your actions (both good and bad) BEFORE you do them or do you usually just ACT and then think about it afterwards?
How is that working for you?


Blogger Mississippi Songbird said...

I try to think before I open my mouth, but in this fast moving world, It's not always possible..

3/20/2006 9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A bit of both. Mostly I think about what I am going to do and then do it.

3/20/2006 12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I try to think befor I act up but sometimes I am not able to see clerar.

3/20/2006 12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i try to think before i act but never seem to finish with the answer i want just trouble.

3/23/2006 12:07 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I am both thoughtful and impulsive so I may do either one of these.

Hopefully, there is enough common sense in my mind that even the impulsive stuff will not steer me in the wrong direction!

3/29/2006 5:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today I mostly try to think things through. Of course in a heated moment I still sometimes say or do something I later regret. I'm always working to try to control my temper. Sometimes there is no time to think about the consequences you just have to act and then I think you have to trust your instincts. Stories of heroism are born of this type of instinctive action. Running into the burning building to save others. Think stories of 9/11 and such. But the question said "normallly" and I'll try to stick to that.

When I was young I didn't think things through. I was more likely to take chances and found myself in high risk situations and sometimes in trouble and had to pay the consequences. I'm sure I have hurt people with things I have said and done. Some of you young people can probably relate to that. But don't let it bring you down there is hope.
Scientist say the the part of the brain that controls impulses and reasoning is not fully formed until we are around 25. I'm sure it varies from person to person. It was originally thought to be earlier. I'm not saying you shouldn't exercise using good judgement prior to that age. I'm simply saying we all make mistakes and hopefully we learn from those mistakes. Don't be too hard on youselves. If you follow what is in your heart it will usually get you through.

4/05/2006 1:58 AM  

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