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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
Hmmm. Mathematically speaking there is some debate. There are certain things that you can find algorithmically - effectively you can proove some things to be true given a simple set of 'normal' operations using a computor. Other things take intuition, and more insight. Personally there is the mathmatical truth of some things - this should be undeniable given the same basic starting point.
Then there is the real world. Taking a section of this - science - there are things that are 'true' because they have been shown to be so by repeated experements. Then there are things that build on these experements. using the theories that predicted certain results, you can infer other results. Some of these can be directly experemented on, some can't. Are these things true? An example is the theories of the Big Bang. All of these have been mathematically derived from theories about high tempreature physics found here on Earth. Are these things true? They fit the predictions, and fit all the facts we have now. I would say they are true.
Then we have the truth of the world - did so and so do something. And then it gets really murkey. As for historical fact - there IS an objective truth as to what actually happened, but this may be impossible to establish. And I geuss that is the job of people trained to do it - historians, or judges (depending on the circumstances), and it is important in some cases that the truth is upheld.
I think truth is what you really see it is and your true opinion or what you can see.
Truth is what is leftover when everything false is removed.
It is not opinion. Truth IS, in and of itself, regardless of perspective.
I should think that truth is what..... Actually I agree with everybody who's typed up stuff because no one person can sum up truth.
The word "truth" is a word that implies an "absolute certainty." It means something is infallible (can never be wrong). Unfortunately, we as humans are fallible; that is, we make mistakes because our knowledge is imperfect. We are not omniscient (we cannot know all things) so we continue to learn, and change, as we progress throughout our lives, adding to our knowledge, moving closer toward "truth." Do we ever know anything with absolute certainty? That is a good question, one I would like for you to think about!
In science, we make reference to "facts," as opposed to "truth." We say that something is a fact when it has been verified; it was confirmed by independent investigators and found to be exactly as predicted by a theory. A fact can change when new evidence disproves a previously held fact. For example, when Albert Einstein proposed that time is not a constant throughout the universe. Previously, Sir Isaac Newton thought that time was a universal constant. What was a fact for Newton, was replaced by a new fact, theorized by Einstein, and confirmed by other scientists.
So, my question I would like for you to think about is this: when we say that something is "the truth," or that something is "true," how would you go about determining that you are certain, and that you cannot be mistaken? If we say that something is true, how would we know that it is always "the truth," and would never change?
Truth is another way of lieing. Whoever made the word truth must have been a really good liar. Or they must have been in a tight spot.So I do not understand truth I think that word is for creative liars and convicts who need an appeal.
The truth is being honest and knowing what you are saying is true not what you think or hear from other sources.
Truth is sometimes subjective. What I see as the truth may differ from another's version of the truth. For example, based on my cultural background, I may believe that another behaved one way, while someone with a different cultural perspective may feel the person behaved differently.
Under the vast majority of situations, however, what is true is universlly accepted. An example, would be stating that the sun is bright or that ice is cold.
Telling the truth means being as accurate as possible in describing something and admitting when the information came from heresay.
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