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Friday, September 01, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 244

If you could have all of your bad memories and experiences erased but it erased all of the good ones as well, would you do it? Why or why not?


Blogger b said...

I have spent the last 41 years bcoming who I am right now - it was worth it, the good, the bad, the ugly - I wouldn't give up a bit of it.

9/01/2006 9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well there is apart of me that would because there has been so many bad memories in my life but without those bad memories i wouldnt have any good memories. it really sucks but thats life its reality whether we want to face it or not.

9/01/2006 1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I wouldn't have my bad memories erased~ those experiences have taught me well. They have the potential to empathise & hopefully help others who are going thru similiar things. They have taught me to be appreciate kindness & to listen to my intuition when it screams, "warning toxic situation". From them, I've learned that even my best of intentions can sometimes go awry & not help some people at all... They have helped me to teach my children that while their are many good people in the world~ not too assume that everyone is well intentioned, & make them aware that I am talking from experience and not because I watch too much television.

We all have a story to tell about how we have survived & learned from bad experiences. Our story just might help another & also help us NOT to repeat putting ourselves in harms way... to be more cautious, next time. If we can, turn our bad experiences into something constructive.

One quote that comes to mind: "Be kind to most, intimate with few."
AND by God, tap into & LISTEN to your gut/intuition.

9/02/2006 7:09 AM  

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