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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 242

Are there different levels of trust? What does it take for your trust levels to go deeper with people?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well when first meet some one i always give them the benefit of the doubt. i dnt like to judge people based on other peoples opions or what they did in there past. but as far as having a tremndeous trust or people i only have that in very few people.

8/30/2006 10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that there are different levels or categories of trust. I know people whom I trust with my debit card but do not trust to keep a confidence; they just can't keep their lips zipped. There have been people in my life whom I would trust only when they are "sober", but whom I have learned not to trust to keep their word because their addiction(s) tend to get in the way of them keeping their word~ & so on.
There have been people who I trust so long as I go along (agree) with them, but the moment there is a disagreement, they are out for revenge... I've known people whom I would trust with a confidence, but whom I wouldn't trust for five minutes alone with my purse (sad, but true).

Characteristics which either hinder or deepen my trust in another are:

Their track record

oOservations of how they treat the other significant people in their lives

Their consistancy~ or lack of

How quick they are to pass judgement on others

Whether or not they tend to gossip~ (have diarrhea of the mouth)

Their general stability

Whether or not the threaten, place many conditions, or I find them to be manipulative


Whether or not they are open~ over time to revealing themselves...

How they react to my self disclosure (attempt to understand, embrace, openly discuss, or judge harshly, are indifferent, ignore, and/or continually stone wall.


What my instincts tell me.

8/30/2006 10:34 AM  
Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

yes. i think so.

consistancy, and honor. and always telling me the truth when a lie would do.


8/30/2006 12:32 PM  
Blogger b said...

Trust grows - and can be poisoned - and can die. There are a few people I don't trust at all, many I trust (unless they prove otherwise), and a few I trust with my life.

Time, and practice, IMO, is what it takes.

8/30/2006 4:19 PM  

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