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We are looking for answers to some hard questions as we dig deep inside and explore our own core values and how that guides not just our own lives but the very world that we live in. These questions will be asked to a group of high school students but we would also like to hear from the world at large. While we hope to keep this forum wide open we do reserve the right to delete responses that we find to be offensive or combative in nature. Thank you for participating with us.
No, I do not think that those of "this" generation have the same values as those of their parents.
For many, in this day & age, online interactions are considered to be a social life. People whom they've never met, & may never meet are called "friends". There are sites in which a person may have thousands of friends... how fortunate for them; how many of those friends will be there when/if illness, death, catastrophe strikes in their lives?
Going back to the 80's, even early 90's, television & music lyrics left a little something to the imagination. Today, it is all "up in our faces"... no need to read between the lines.
Bisexuality (same gender sexual encounters) are experiemental & acceptable merely for the experience. Many do not consider oral sex to be sex- because they (technically) can do this & maintain their virginity. Thing is they can also pick up an STD that way. RE: oral sex~ if it isn't up close & personal... I don't know what is.
I think that many are interested in instant gratification & have no real sense of patience, quality, nor discipline- in regard to relationships. I think that people get into intimate physical relatinships flippantly- there often times is no "real" sense of bonding, loyalty, nor sacredness of what goes on behind closed doors between two people.
I think boundaries are less clear ~ just about anything goes, and that many do NOT think ahead about the consequences of their actions.
I think that the work ethic has significantly changed ~ many put their nose up in the air at jobs which require physical labor, and want to start out in the middle or the top & not at the bottom (which) teaches many life lessons. There are many more who feel entitled. Partly to blame, are "we" parents who tried so hard to make our childrens' lives "sweet". Easier & softer for our kids... when they get out there & have to make it on their own- be responsible THEY are overwhelmed... unhappy... addicted.
Of course, this does not apply to all, but I do believe more common & at an earlier age.
College Education is over~rated, in so far as technical trades are sometimes considered less valuable. WHAT? The next time "you" need your car or furnace repaired... ...
I do think the fact that society has become less judgemental of alternate life~styles... accepting or living arrangements other thanthe nuclear family has been a positive thing... the lack of boundaries in peoples lives keeps them confused & unhappy.
I think that things may become even more "loose" before they get tidyed up but, just like anything else, once people realize that "this aint working"... the pendulum with shift back.
Other than the fact that there is very little discretion these days, there really isn't anything new under the sun. I think that it is good that people are living more authentically... once they figure out for themselves who they are... but that some take the path through "hell" to get there.
Ahhh, & I consider myself to be pretty open minded~ wow.
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