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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Question of the Day: Day 257

Do you think that people who have been abused as children are likely to grow up and be abusive to their own children? How could they break that cycle if they wanted to?


Blogger Michelle said...

It is all about making a choice to do something different.

It may take counseling and parenting classes or may just take a strong desire and resolve to be a better parent that one was exposed to as a child.

I don't think that anyone sets out with the goal of becoming a bad parent but unless one sets the goal and works at being a GOOD one then anything can happen.

9/14/2006 5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that there is more of a chance that an abused child will grow up to be an abuser IF they've kept the abuse hushed (a "dirty little secret"). Keeping all that hurt, distrust, & conflict inside is likely to create a very unhealthy & angry person.

I do believe that counseling/therapy~ a safe place to get all of "the ugly" OUTSIDE of themselves is beneficial to most anyone who has experienced abuse.

Further, I think that dependant upon how an individual intellectually & emotionally processes abuse will impact whether or not they will be inclined to continue the cycle, be more tolerable of being abused in their adult lives, or detest & end it with a passion.

9/15/2006 4:32 AM  
Blogger b said...

It is statistically measured to be so.

To break the cycle requires much self-discovery through meditation, honesty, analysis, and most importantly, inspiration.

9/15/2006 12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that people who were abused when they were children are more likely to be abusive when they get to adulthood. The way they could break the habit is to follow other adults and do the kind things they do and not the abusive things.

9/15/2006 3:16 PM  

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